cargo_gn 0.0.10

Cargo integration with the GN build system failed to build cargo_gn-0.0.10
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: cargo_gn-0.0.15

Cargo GN integration

Build Status

This package allows Rust users to quickly hook into the GN build system. It provides built-in gn and ninja tools that hook semi-automatically into Cargo's

Put the following in your Cargo.toml

cargo_gn = "0.0.9"

Now you should be able to add a .gn file in the root of your project and start using See the example directory for a complete example:

Use cargo build -vv in order to see ninja output.

Read more about gn here:

By default this crate builds gn and ninja. If you want to provide your own gn/ninja binaries and not build them from scratch, specify the CARGO_GN_PATH or CARGO_NINJA_PATH environmental variables.