cargo_fetch 0.1.2

A library that aims to provide an easy and stable API for tools to fetch packages.



A library that aims to provide an easy and stable API for tools to fetch packages. Uses cargo library under the hood.


Using cargo library allows it to reuse a lot of code, that would be hard and tedious to reimplement. This includes:

  • Using the cargo cache ($HOME/.cargo),
  • Supporting every package source that cargo does: remote, local registries, git repositories, local paths.

Reusing the cargo code also provides reliability and security.


Using this library is pretty simple:

use cargo_fetch::{GitReference, Package, PackageFetcher, PackageSource};

fn main() {
    let mut fetcher = PackageFetcher::new().expect("failed to construct the fetcher");

    let custom_source = PackageSource::remote("").expect("bad url");
    let git_source = PackageSource::git(
    .expect("bad url");

    // Same as `serde = "*"` in Cargo.toml
    let crates_io = fetcher.resolve_first("serde", None, PackageSource::CratesIo, None).expect("can't find serde");
    let custom_registry = Package::from_str_ver("serde", "1.0.0", &custom_source).expect("bad semver");
    let git = Package::from_str_ver(
        "serde",     // name
        "1.0.0",     // version
        &git_source, // source
    .expect("bad semver");

    let serde_roots = fetcher
        .fetch_many(&[git, crates_io, custom_registry])
        .expect("failed to fetch packages");


You can run this example with cargo run --example fetch_serde in the root of this repository.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your option. Files in the project may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.