cargo_atelier 0.2.1

Cargo integration for the AWS Smithy IDL.

Atelier: crate cargo_atelier

A cargo command for using Smithy models as a part of a build process.


> cargo atelier --help
cargo-atelier 0.1.2
Tools for the Smithy IDL.

    cargo-atelier [FLAGS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help        Prints help information
    -n, --no-color    Turn off color in the output
    -V, --version     Prints version information
    -v, --verbose     The level of logging to perform; from off to trace

    convert     Convert model from one representation to another
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    lint        Run standard linter rules on a model file
    validate    Run standard validators on a model file

Both the lint and validate commands use a common mechanism for printing results and will by default print using a colorized output. As different linter and validation rules can be used the reported by row informs you which rule-set has determined the error.

Example Lint

For the following badly formatted Smithy file, in test-models/lint-test.smithy.

namespace org.example.smithy

structure thisIsMyStructure {
    lower: String,
    Upper: String,
    someJSONThing: someUnknownShape,
    OK: Boolean

string someUnknownShape

structure ThisIsNotAGoodName {}

The following issues will be output when the linter runs.

> cargo atelier lint -i test-models/lint-test.smithy -r smithy

[info] Shape names should conform to UpperCamelCase, i.e. ThisIsMyStructure
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `thisIsMyStructure`.

[info] Trait names should conform to lowerCamelCase, i.e. thisIsNotAGoodName
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `ThisIsNotAGoodName`.

[info] Member names should conform to lowerCamelCase, i.e. ok
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `thisIsMyStructure$OK`.

[info] Member name 'OK' appears to contain a known acronym, consider renaming i.e. ok
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `thisIsMyStructure`.

[info] Member names should conform to lowerCamelCase, i.e. someJsonThing
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `thisIsMyStructure$someJSONThing`.

[info] Member name 'someJSONThing' appears to contain a known acronym, consider renaming i.e. Json
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `thisIsMyStructure`.

[info] Shape names should conform to UpperCamelCase, i.e. SomeUnknownShape
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `someUnknownShape`.

[info] Member names should conform to lowerCamelCase, i.e. upper
	Reported by NamingConventions on/for element `thisIsMyStructure$Upper`.

Example Validate

For the following erroneous Smithy file, in test-models/validation-test.smithy.

namespace org.example.smithy

structure MyStructure {
    known: String,
    wrongType: SomeOperation,

operation SomeOperation {
    input: SomeService

service SomeService {
    version: "1.0",
    operations: [MyStructure]

The following issues will be output when the validation runs.

> cargo atelier validate -i test-models/validation-test.smithy -r smithy

[error] Structure member may not refer to a service, operation, resource or apply.
	Reported by CorrectTypeReferences on/for element `MyStructure$wrongType`.

[warning] Structure member's type (smithy.api#NotString) cannot be resolved to a shape in this model.
	Reported by CorrectTypeReferences on/for element `MyStructure$unknown`.

[error] Service operation must be an operation.
	Reported by CorrectTypeReferences on/for element `SomeService`.

[error] Operation input may not refer to a service, operation, resource or apply.
	Reported by CorrectTypeReferences on/for element `SomeOperation`.


Version 0.2.0

  • Changes based on new core traits HasIdentity and HasTraits.
  • Added documentation writer.

Version 0.1.3

  • Supporting colorized output.
  • Added example files for lint/validate tests.
  • Added examples here.

Version 0.1.2

  • Updated library dependency to get the latest Smithy reader.

Version 0.1.1

  • Linter and Validator commands working
  • Convert from json/smithy to json/smithy/uml

Version 0.1.0

  • Placeholder release.


  1. Validator.
  2. Code generator.