cargo-winrt 0.7.2

A simple utility for working with WinRT in a Rust project
cargo-winrt-0.7.2 is not a library.

cargo winrt

A simple utility for working with WinRT in a Rust project.


To install cargo winrt run the following:

cargo install --git cargo-winrt



To install NuGet packages, add NuGet dependencies to your projects Cargo.toml file like so:

"Win2D.uwp" = "1.25.0"

Nuget packages at a given URL are also supported:

"Win2D.uwp" = { url = "" }

As well as unzipped on your local file system:

"Win2D.uwp" = { path = "../../my-nuget-package" }

Then to install run:

cargo winrt install


Rust WinRT works great with plain cargo, but if you want a way to ensure that you have installed all WinRT dependencies, before building, you can run:

cargo winrt build

This is equivalent to:

cargo winrt install
cargo build


Just like building your WinRT projects, you can use cargo winrt to run your project in one step:

cargo winrt run

This is equivalent to:

cargo winrt install
cargo run