cargo-whatfeatures 0.9.1

display features, versions and dependencies of crates


Documentation Crates

Table of Contents


with cargo installed, simply do:

cargo install cargo-whatfeatures

Note you can switch to using rustls by doing:

cargo install cargo-whatfeatures --no-default-features --features "rustls"

By default it uses the native-tls backend

Notes on color

if the NO_COLOR env-var has a value, all color will be disabled.



cargo-whatfeatures 0.9.0
he `whatfeatures` command

        cargo whatfeatures [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <crate>

        -h, --help
            Prints help information

        -V, --version
            Displays the program name and version

        -d, --deps
            Display dependencies for the crate
            This will list the required dependencies

        -n, --no-features
            Disable listing the features for the crate

        -r, --restricted
            When used on a local workspace, also included private packages

        -l, --list
            List all versions for the crate.
            When using the `-y` option, yanked crates can be filtered.

        -s, --short
            Display only the name and latest version, such as foo/0.1.2

        -v, --verbose
            When this is enabled, all 'implied' features will be listed.
            Also, optional dependencies will be listed. Optional deps are technically features.

        -o, --offline
            Don't connect to the internet, limits the availities of this.
            If the crate is in either cargo's local registry, or whatfeatures' cache
            then this will work normally, otherwise it'll give you a nice error.

            Prints out the path to the cache directory

            Purges the local cache. The command will automatically clean up after
            itself if it sees the crate in the cargo local registry. If its not
            in the cargo registry, it'll download the crate from and place
            it in its cache. This flag causes that cache to become invalidated.

            The cache is located at these locations:
            * Linux: $XDG_CACHE_HOME/museun/whatfeatures
            * Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA/museun/whatfeatures
            * macOS: $HOME/Library/Caches/museun/whatfeatures

        -c, --color [always, auto, never]
            Attempts to use colors when printing as text [default: auto]
            *NOTE* When NO_COLOR is set to any value, all colors will be disabled

        -p, --pkgid <semver>
            A specific version to lookup. e.g. 0.7.1
            If this is not provided, then the latest crate is used.

        --manifest-path <PATH>
            A path to the Cargo.toml you want to read, locally.
            Use this to read from a local crate, rather than a remote one.

        -y, --show-yanked <exclude, include, only>
            Shows any yanked versions when using `--list`. [default: exclude].
            When 'exclude' is provided, only active releases versions will be listed
            When 'include' is provided, the listing will include yanked versions along with active releases.
            When 'only' is provided, only yanked versions will be listed

        <crate>  The name of the crate to retrieve information for.

                 If this is a path to a directory containing a Cargo.toml,
                 or the path to the Cargo.toml then it'll use that directory
                 as the crate to operate one

                 This is exclusive with -p, --pkgid and with --manifest-path.

This allows you to lookup a specific crate, at a specific version and get its default and optional features. It also allows listing the deps for the specified crate.

You can also use this on local crates and workspaces.



list the features for the latest version

cargo whatfeatures serde


cargo whatfeatures -p serde

serde = 1.0.114
└─ features
  ├─ default
  │ └─ std
  ├─ alloc
  ├─ derive
  ├─ rc
  ├─ std (default)
  └─ unstable

The (default) will let you easily reference what indv. features are included in the default.

list the features and optional deps for the latest version

cargo whatfeatures serde -v

Note this also list 'implied features' (ones that are enabled by other features).

serde = 1.0.114
├─ features
│ ├─ default
│ │ └─ std
│ ├─ alloc
│ ├─ derive
│ │ └─ serde_derive
│ ├─ rc
│ ├─ std (default)
│ └─ unstable
└─ optional dependencies
  └─ serde_derive = = 1.0.114

list the features for a specific version

cargo whatfeatures -p twitchchat:0.10.2

twitchchat = 0.10.2
└─ features
  ├─ default
  │ ├─ async
  │ └─ tokio_native_tls        
  ├─ async (default)
  ├─ tokio_native_tls (default)
  └─ tokio_rustls

list the features for a local crate

cargo whatfeatures --manifest-path .

cargo-whatfeatures = 0.8.3
└─ features
  ├─ default
  │ └─ native-tls
  ├─ native-tls (default) 
  └─ rustls

The command is somewhat smart, if you give it a local directory or the path to a Cargo.toml and it doesn't look like a remote crate, it'll use that.

So the above could be expressed as cargo whatfeatures . or cargo whatfeatures ~/p/foobar

--manifest-path is a way to ensure it uses the local crate rather than an unfournate similarly named crate on

Simple listing

get the latest version

cargo whatfeatures --short lock-api

lock_api = 0.4.0

list all name and version pairs

cargo whatfeatures --list lock-api

lock_api = 0.4.0
lock_api = 0.3.4
lock_api = 0.3.3
lock_api = 0.3.2
lock_api = 0.3.1
lock_api = 0.2.0
lock_api = 0.1.5
lock_api = 0.1.4
lock_api = 0.1.3
lock_api = 0.1.1
lock_api = 0.1.0

list all name and version pairs, including yanked versions

cargo whatfeatures --list --show-yanked include lock-api

lock_api = 0.4.0
lock_api = 0.3.4
lock_api = 0.3.3
lock_api = 0.3.2
lock_api = 0.3.1
lock_api = 0.3.0 # yanked
lock_api = 0.2.0
lock_api = 0.1.5
lock_api = 0.1.4
lock_api = 0.1.3
lock_api = 0.1.2 # yanked
lock_api = 0.1.1
lock_api = 0.1.0

list all name and version pairs, only showing yanked versions

cargo whatfeatures --list --show-yanked only lock-api

lock_api = 0.3.0 # yanked
lock_api = 0.1.2 # yanked


list the deps for the latest version

Note use --no-features (-n) to not list the features

cargo whatfeatures curl --deps

curl = 0.4.30
├─ features
│ ├─ default
│ │ └─ ssl
│ ├─ force-system-lib-on-osx
│ ├─ http2
│ ├─ mesalink
│ ├─ protocol-ftp
│ ├─ spnego
│ ├─ ssl (default)
│ ├─ static-curl
│ └─ static-ssl
└─ required dependencies
  ├─ normal
  │ ├─ for cfg(target_env = "msvc")
  │ │ ├─ schannel = ^0.1.13
  │ │ └─ winapi = ^0.3 (has enabled features)
  │ ├─ curl-sys = ^0.4.32
  │ ├─ libc = ^0.2.42
  │ └─ socket2 = ^0.3.7
  ├─ development
  │ ├─ anyhow = ^1.0.31
  │ ├─ mio = ^0.6
  │ └─ mio-extras = ^2.0.3
  └─ no build dependencies

list the deps for a specific version

note use -n,--no-features to not list the features

cargo whatfeatures -p curl:0.3.0 --deps

curl = 0.3.0
├─ no features
└─ required dependencies
  ├─ normal
  │ ├─ for cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos")))
  │ │ └─ openssl-sys = ^0.7.0
  │ ├─ curl-sys = ^0.2.0
  │ └─ libc = ^0.2
  ├─ development
  │ └─ mio = ^0.5
  └─ no build dependencies

list the deps for a local crate

cargo whatfeatures --manifest-path . -d -n

cargo-whatfeatures = 0.8.3
└─ required dependencies
  ├─ normal
  │ ├─ anyhow = ^1.0.31
  │ ├─ attohttpc = ^0.15.0 (has enabled features)
  │ ├─ cargo_metadata = ^0.10.0
  │ ├─ crate_version_parse = ^0.2.0
  │ ├─ directories-next = ^1.0.1
  │ ├─ flate2 = ^1.0.16
  │ ├─ home = ^0.5.3
  │ ├─ pico-args = ^0.3.3
  │ ├─ serde = ^1.0.114 (has enabled features)
  │ ├─ tar = ^0.4.29
  │ └─ yansi = ^0.5.0
  ├─ no development dependencies
  └─ no build dependencies

example of scrying a workspace

cargo whatfeatures ~/dev/godot-rust

workspace for godot-rust
├─ gdnative = 0.8.1
│ └─ features
│   ├─ default
│   │ └─ bindings
│   ├─ bindings (default)
│   └─ gd_test
├─ gdnative-bindings = 0.8.1
│ └─ features
│   ├─ no default features
│   └─ formatted
├─ gdnative-core = 0.8.1
│ └─ features
│   ├─ default
│   │ └─ nativescript
│   ├─ gd_test
│   └─ nativescript (default)
├─ gdnative-derive = 0.8.1
│ └─ no features
├─ gdnative-impl-proc-macros = 0.9.0  
│ └─ no features
├─ gdnative-sys = 0.8.1
│ └─ no features
└─ gdnative_bindings_generator = 0.8.1
  └─ features
    ├─ no default features
    └─ debug

using the -r, --restricted will also list packages that are set to private

cargo whatfeatures -r ~/dev/godot-rust

workspace for godot-rust
├─ dodge_the_creeps = 0.1.0 (restricted)
│ └─ no features
├─ gdnative = 0.8.1
│ └─ features
│   ├─ default
│   │ └─ bindings
│   ├─ bindings (default)
│   └─ gd_test
├─ gdnative-bindings = 0.8.1
│ └─ features
│   ├─ no default features
│   └─ formatted
├─ gdnative-core = 0.8.1
│ └─ features
│   ├─ default
│   │ └─ nativescript
│   ├─ gd_test
│   └─ nativescript (default)
├─ gdnative-derive = 0.8.1
│ └─ no features
├─ gdnative-impl-proc-macros = 0.9.0
│ └─ no features
├─ gdnative-sys = 0.8.1
│ └─ no features
├─ gdnative-test = 0.1.0 (restricted)
│ └─ no features
├─ gdnative_bindings_generator = 0.8.1
│ └─ features
│   ├─ no default features
│   └─ debug
├─ hello_world = 0.1.0 (restricted)
│ └─ no features
├─ scene_create = 0.1.0 (restricted)
│ └─ no features
├─ signals = 0.1.0 (restricted)
│ └─ no features
└─ spinning_cube = 0.1.0 (restricted)
  └─ no features


cargo-whatfeatures is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).