cargo-web 0.5.0

A Cargo subcommand for the client-side Web
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# A cargo subcommand for the client-side Web

This cargo subcommand aims to make it easy and convenient to build, develop
and deploy client-side Web applications written in Rust.

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## Features

Currently it supports the following features:

  * `cargo web build` - will build your project using one of Rust's three Web backends:
    * [asm.js] using Emscripten (when you pass `--target-asmjs-emscripten`; default)
    * [WebAssembly] using Emscripten (when you pass `--target-webasm-emscripten`)
    * [WebAssembly] using Rust's native WebAssembly backend (when you pass `--target-webasm`)
  * `cargo web test` - will run your tests either under:
    * Under a headless instance of Google Chrome (default)
    * Under [Node.js] when you pass `--nodejs`
  * `cargo web start` - will build your project, start an embedded webserver and will continously
    rebuild it if necessary.
  * Will automatically download and install Emscripten for you (if necessary) on the following platforms:
    * Linux x86-64
    * Linux x86


Before compiling anything you will have to install the corresponding targets
with `rustup` yourself:

  * For compiling to asmjs through Emscripten:
        `rustup target add asmjs-unknown-emscripten`
  * For compiling to WebAssembly through Emscripten:
        `rustup target add wasm32-unknown-emscripten`
  * For compiling to WebAssembly through Rust's native backend:
        `rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown`

It's also highly recommended that you check out the [stdweb] crate if you want
to interact with the JavaScript world in your project. (In fact, `cargo-web`
is what makes it possible to use `stdweb`'s `js!` macro on Rust's native WebAssembly


## Installation

    $ cargo install cargo-web

To upgrade:

    $ cargo install --force cargo-web

Or clone and build with `$ cargo build --release` then place in your $PATH.

## License

Licensed under either of

  * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.