cargo-watch 2.1.5

Utility for cargo to compile projects when sources change
# $ cargo watch

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## Usage

1. Build with `$ cargo build`.
2. Place in your $PATH.
3. Invoke using `$ cargo watch`.

![screenshot from 2014-12-21 15 09 10](

## What?

It will watch your `src` folder and any subdirectories for file changes,
additions, removals, and moves (in or out), and run both `$ cargo build` and
`$ cargo test` on your project.  You can also specify other things to be run,
e.g. `$ cargo doc` and `$ cargo bench`, by passing flags.
See `$ cargo watch --help` for more.

Just like any Cargo command, you can run it from any subdirectory in your
project tree and it will find its way.

It's hard-coded to not compile things more than once per 2 seconds, to avoid
overloading your computer. It will also ignore everything that's not a Rust
file, everything that's a dot-file, and cache/backup files (`.filename.swo`
and ``).

It uses the [notify]( crate for file
events, so it supports Linux, OS X, and soon Windows through native APIs,
and has a polling implementation to fall back on for all other platforms.

## How?

It uses [notify]( to watch files, and
simply runs `$ cargo <whatever>` as child processes.

## Why?

I was getting tired of having to switch windows / tmux panes to compile my
code. This is much faster, and because it shows the output of the command,
I can see compile errors and warnings with a save and fix them immediately.

## Who?

My name is FĂ©lix Saparelli a.k.a. [passcod]( You can
find more about me on the internet.

Also a bunch of [awesome contributors][contributors] participated.
