cargo-walk 0.1.0

Run a command for each crate root path in a Rust crate dependency tree.
cargo-walk-0.1.0 is not a library.


A cargo plugin to allow running a command for each package root path in a Rust crate dependency tree.


  • Search all code related to a crate, including dependencies using ripgrep: cargo walk -- rg -C 10 "find me"
  • List all crate roots in the dependency tree: cargo walk echo or cargo walk -- echo
  • List dependencies based on size: cargo walk -- du -d 0 -h | sort -h

Make sure to add -- between cargo walk and the command if it contains - or -- flags.


  • 0.1.0 First version. The root path of each crate in the crate dependency tree will be added as the last argument to the command.