cargo-vendor-filterer 0.5.2

`cargo vendor`, but with filtering for platforms and more
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cargo vendor, but with filtering

The core cargo vendor tool is useful to save all dependencies. However, it doesn't offer any filtering; today cargo includes all platforms, but some projects only care about Linux for example.

More information:

Generating a vendor/ directory with filtering

Here's a basic example which filters out all crates that don't target Linux; for example this will drop out crates like winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu and core-foundation that are Windows or MacOS only.

$ cargo vendor-filterer --platform=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

You can also declaratively specify the desired vendor configuration via the Cargo metadata key package.metadata.vendor-filter:

platforms = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]
all-features = true
exclude-crate-paths = [ { name = "curl-sys", exclude = "curl" },
                        { name = "libz-sys", exclude = "src/zlib" },
                        { name = "libz-sys", exclude = "src/zlib-ng" },

Available options for for package.metadata.vendor-filter in Cargo.toml

  • platforms: List of rustc target triples; this is the same values accepted by e.g. cargo metadata --filter-platform. At the moment, only one exact platform can be specified and wildcards are not supported.
  • all-features: Enable all features of the current crate when vendoring.
  • exclude-crate-paths: Remove files and directories from target crates. A key use case for this is removing the vendored copy of C libraries embedded in crates like libz-sys, when you only want to support dynamically linking.

All of these options have corresponding CLI flags; see cargo vendor-filterer --help.

Generating reproducible vendor tarballs

You can also provide --format=tar.zstd to output a reproducible tar archive compressed via zstd; the default filename will be vendor.tar.zstd. Similarly there is --format=tar to output an uncompressed tar archive, which you can compress however you like.

This option requires:

  • An external GNU tar program
  • An external zstd program (for --format=tar.zstd)
  • SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set in the environment, or an external git and the working directory must be a git repository

This uses the suggested code from to output a reproducible archive; in other words, another process/tool can also perform a git clone of your project and regenerate the vendor tarball to verify it.


We only support a single --platform right now, so if e.g. you use --platform=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu and there's a crate dependency only set on e.g. aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, it will be missing.

A future enhancement will support something like --platform=*-unknown-linux-gnu --platform=wasm.