cargo-update 11.1.2

A cargo subcommand for checking and applying updates to installed executables
# cargo-update [![TravisCI build status](]( [![AppVeyorCI build status](]( [![Licence](](LICENSE) [![ version](](
A [`cargo` subcommand]( for checking and applying updates to installed executables

## [Documentation](
## [Manpage](

### Installation

Firstly, ensure you have [CMake]( and the [Required Libraries™](#dependencies).

Then proceed as usual:

cargo install cargo-update

If that doesn't work:
 * [re-try with `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig`](,
 * [re-try with `LIBSSH2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=whatever`](,
 * [install OpenSSL via `brew`, and re-try with `LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include"`](,
 * [verify that you don't `openssl` installed twice via `brew`](,
 * [re-try with `--features vendored-openssl`](,
 * re-try with `--features vendored-libgit2`.

If it still doesn't work, [slam open an issue]( or [comment on one of the existing relevant ones](

#### Dependencies

| Dependency                                                                             | Debian package | Fedora package   | MSYS2 package              |
| [`libgit2`](                                                | `libgit2-dev`  | `libgit2-devel`  | `mingw-w64-x86_64-libgit2` |
| [`libssh2`](                                                       | `libssh-dev`   | `libssh2-devel`  | `mingw-w64-x86_64-libssh2` |
| [`openssl`](                                                       | `libssl-dev`   | `openssl-devel`  | `mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl` |
| [`pkg-config`]( (some platforms) | `pkg-config`   | `pkg-config`     | `mingw-w64-x86_64-pkg-config` |

### Usage

`cargo install-update -a` - check for newer versions and update all installed packages.

`cargo install-update crate1 crate2 ...` - check for newer versions and update selected packages, will not install new packages.

For more information and examples see the [manpage](

#### Self-update

`cargo-update` will update itself seamlessly on Linux and Windows.

On Windows the following strategy is applied:
  * Check for old versions, remove them
  * Add the current version to the current executable's extension
  * Create an empty file in place of the just-renamed file (this way `cargo install` will "replace" it and not duplicate the entry in `.crates.toml`)

### Troubleshooting

Some crates, like `clippy` and `rustfmt`, have moved from to being a `rustup` component.
If you'd installed them beforehand, then added them via `rustup component`, they might not have been removed from the list of crates installed via `cargo install`,
  and you [might come across errors]( such as
$ cargo install-update -a
Updating registry ''

Package          Installed  Latest    Needs update
clippy           v0.0.179   v0.0.302  Yes

Updating clippy
    Updating index
  Installing clippy v0.0.302
   Compiling clippy v0.0.302
error: failed to compile `clippy v0.0.302`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/tmp/cargo-installxHfj2y`

Caused by:
  failed to run custom build command for `clippy v0.0.302`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/tmp/cargo-installxHfj2y/release/build/clippy-ffeedc2f188020a4/build-script-build` (exit code: 1)
--- stderr

error: Clippy is no longer available via

help: please run `rustup component add clippy-preview` instead

In that case, run `cargo install --list` to verify that they're still there and `cargo uninstall` them,
  which will deregister the `cargo` versions and leave you with the `rustup` ones.

### Bleeding-edge `cargo`s

Since [`0.42.0`](,
  `cargo install cratename` checks for newer versions and installs them if they exist, instead of erroring out like it does usually.

### Source Replacement vs custom registries

Cargo allows [replacing entire registries at a time](

For example, this stanza in `~/.cargo/config` will replace the default registry with the Shanghai Jiao Tong Universty's mirror:
replace-with = "sjtu"

registry = ""

`cargo-update` resolves this to the deepest registry, and passes `--registry sjtu` to `cargo install`.
This worked until roughly `nightly-2019-08-10`, but since `nightly-2019-09-10` due to a Cargo regression (or feature, but it's breaking without a major version bump, so)
`--registry` looks into a different key, requiring this additional stanza to ensure correct updates:
index = ""

Confer the [initial implementation](, [rewrite](,
[final broken testcase]( and
[final debug implementation]( threads
(h/t [@DCJanus]( for help debugging and testcases, also
 dealing with me as I slowly [spiraled]( into insanity).

## Special thanks

To all who support further development on Patreon, in particular:

  * ThePhD
  * Embark Studios