cargo-trim 0.10.1

Binary application to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache
use clap::Parser;
use owo_colors::OwoColorize;

use crate::list_crate::CrateList;
use crate::utils::crate_list_type;

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[command(about = "List out crates", arg_required_else_help = true)]
pub(crate) struct List {
    #[arg(long = "all", short = 'a', help = "List out all installed crate")]
    all: bool,
    #[arg(long = "old", short = 'o', help = "List out old crates")]
    old: bool,
        long = "old-orphan",
        short = 'z',
        help = "List out crates which are both old and orphan"
    old_orphan: bool,
    #[arg(long = "orphan", short = 'x', help = "List out orphan crates")]
    orphan: bool,
    #[arg(long = "used", short = 'u', help = "List out used crates")]
    used: bool,

impl List {
    pub(super) fn run(&self, crate_list: &CrateList, directory_is_empty: bool) {
        if self.all {
        if self.old {
        if self.old_orphan {
            list_old_orphan(crate_list, directory_is_empty);
        if self.orphan {
            list_orphan(crate_list, directory_is_empty);
        if self.used {
            list_used(crate_list, directory_is_empty);

fn list_all(crate_list: &CrateList) {
    crate_list_type(crate_list.installed_registry(), "REGISTRY INSTALLED CRATE");
    crate_list_type(crate_list.installed_git(), "GIT INSTALLED CRATE");

fn list_old(crate_list: &CrateList) {
    crate_list_type(crate_list.old_registry(), "REGISTRY OLD CRATE");
    crate_list_type(crate_list.old_git(), "GIT OLD CRATE");

fn list_old_orphan(crate_list: &CrateList, directory_is_empty: bool) {
    crate_list_type(&crate_list.list_old_orphan_git(), "GIT OLD+ORPHAN CRATE");
    // print waning if no directory present in config file
    if directory_is_empty {
        let warning_text = "WARNING: You have not initialized any directory as rust project \
                            directory. This will list all old crates as old orphan crates even if \
                            they are not orphan crates. Run command 'cargo trim init' to \
                            initialize current directory as rust project directory or pass cargo \
                            trim set -d <directory> for setting rust project directory";
        println!("{}", warning_text.yellow());

fn list_orphan(crate_list: &CrateList, directory_is_empty: bool) {
    crate_list_type(crate_list.orphan_registry(), "REGISTRY ORPHAN CRATE");
    crate_list_type(crate_list.orphan_git(), "GIT ORPHAN CRATE");
    // print warning if directory config is empty
    if directory_is_empty {
        let warning_text = "WARNING: You have not initialized any directory as rust project \
                            directory. This will list all crates as orphan crate. Run command \
                            'cargo trim init' to initialize current directory as rust project \
                            directory or pass cargo trim set -d <directory> for setting rust \
                            project directory";
        println!("{}", warning_text.yellow());

fn list_used(crate_list: &CrateList, directory_is_empty: bool) {
    crate_list_type(crate_list.used_registry(), "REGISTRY USED CRATE");
    crate_list_type(crate_list.used_git(), "GIT USED CRATE");
    // print warning if directory config is empty
    if directory_is_empty {
        let warning_text = "WARNING: You have not initialized any directory as rust project \
                            directory. This will list no crates as used crate. Run command 'cargo \
                            trim init' to initialize current directory as rust project directory \
                            or pass cargo trim set -d <directory> for setting rust project \
        println!("{}", warning_text.yellow());