cargo-template-ci 0.1.2

Generate a CI configuration from a template and Cargo config
cargo-template-ci-0.1.2 is not a library.

cargo template-ci - automatically generate a fast travis.yml

In all my rust projects, I use travis to provide continuous integration services, and to validate that things are correct. However, rust's commandline utilities have changed a lot (and clippy still does!), so I had to adjust the invocations in every single .travis.yml I had. Not fun!

So here's a little tool that will generate a .travis.yml file for your project according to a few flags, with a bunch of nice things:

  • It uses a build matrix so that your builds are all fast.
  • Lets you pick and choose which build types besides tests you want to run: By default, it runs clippy and checks rustfmt compliance. You can also activate benchmarks.
  • Allows customizing the OS to run on and the versions to test with.


Once installed, you can run this tool in a rust project with cargo template-ci. It will overwrite the project's existing .travis.yml, so make sure you check if it did a good job!


By default, the configuration is as follows:

  • Run tests on stable, beta, nightly.
  • Run rustfmt on stable.
  • Run clippy on nightly, but allow failures.
  • Do not run benchmarks (but run them on nightly if enabled).

You can configure the generated config file by editing your project's package metadata in Cargo.toml: Everything lives under the key package.metadata.template_ci. This project has an example that makes clippy failures fatal.

Here's a list of configurable keys:

  • package.metadata.template_ci.os: The operating system to run on. Defaults to linux
  • package.metadata.template_ci.dist: The operating system distribution version to run on. Defaults to xenial (Ubuntu 16.04)
  • package.metadata.template_ci.versions: The versions of rust to run tests on, in a build matrix. Defaults to ["stable", "beta", "nightly"]

There are additional matrix build settings:

  • package.metadata.template_ci.rustfmt: Settings for running an additional matrix build for checking rustfmt validity. Settings:

    • run: whether to run the build at all. Default: true.
    • version: what version to run on. Default: stable.
    • allow_failure: whether a non-zero exit status should break the build. Default false.
  • package.metadata.template_ci.clippy: An additional matrix build for the clippy linter.

    • run: true
    • version: nightly
    • allow_failure: true
  • package.metadata.template_ci.bench: An additional matrix build for running cargo bench.

    • run: false
    • version: nightly
    • allow_failure: false