cargo-tarpaulin 0.6.10

Cargo-Tarpaulin is a tool to determine code coverage achieved via tests
extern crate cargo_tarpaulin;
extern crate nix;
extern crate gimli;
extern crate object;
extern crate memmap;
extern crate fallible_iterator;
extern crate rustc_demangle;
extern crate clap;

use std::path::Path;
use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, ArgSettings};
use cargo_tarpaulin::{run, RunError};
use cargo_tarpaulin::config::*;

fn is_dir(d: String) -> Result<(), String> {
    if Path::new(&d).is_dir() {
    } else {
        Err(String::from("root must be a directory"))

const CI_SERVER_HELP: &'static str =
"Name of service, supported services are:
travis-ci, travis-pro, circle-ci, semaphore, jenkins and codeship.
If you are interfacing with or another site you can \
also specify a name that they will recognise. Refer to their documentation for this.";

fn main() -> Result<(), RunError> {
    let args = App::new("cargo-tarpaulin")
        .author("Daniel McKenna, <>")
        .about("Tool to analyse test coverage of cargo projects")
        .version(concat!("version: ", crate_version!()))
            .about("Tool to analyse test coverage of cargo projects")
            .version(concat!("version: ", crate_version!()))
                 "--verbose -v 'Show extra output'
                 --ignore-tests 'ignore lines of test functions when collecting coverage'
                 --ignore-panics 'ignore panic macros in tests'
                 --count   'Counts the number of hits during coverage'
                 --ignored -i 'Run ignored tests as well'
                 --line -l    'Line coverage'
                 --skip-clean 'Skips the clean stage to reduce build times, may affect coverage results'
                 --branch -b  'Branch coverage: NOT IMPLEMENTED'
                 --forward -f 'Forwards unexpected signals to test. Tarpaulin will still take signals it is expecting.'
                 --coveralls [KEY]  'Coveralls key, either the repo token, or if you're using travis use $TRAVIS_JOB_ID and specify travis-{ci|pro} in --ciserver'
                 --report-uri [URI] 'URI to send report to, only used if the option --coveralls is used'
                 --no-default-features 'Do not include default features'
                 --features [FEATURE]... 'Features to be included in the target project'
                 --all-features 'Build all available features'
                 --all        'Build all packages in the workspace'
                 --packages -p [PACKAGE]... 'Package id specifications for which package should be build. See cargo help pkgid for more info'
                 --exclude -e [PACKAGE]... 'Package id specifications to exclude from coverage. See cargo help pkgid for more info'
                 --exclude-files [FILE]... 'Exclude given files from coverage results has * wildcard'
                 --timeout -t [SECONDS] 'Integer for the maximum time in seconds without response from test before timeout (default is 1 minute).'")
                Arg::from_usage("--out -o [FMT]   'Output format of coverage report'")
                Arg::from_usage("--root -r [DIR]  'Root directory containing Cargo.toml to use'")
                Arg::from_usage("--ciserver [SERVICE] 'CI server being used'")
                    .help("Arguments to be passed to the test executables can be used to filter or skip certain tests")

    let args = args.subcommand_matches("tarpaulin").unwrap_or(&args);
    let config = Config::from(args);
    let res = run(&config);
    println!("Tarpaulin finished");
    /*match run(&config) {
        Ok(()) => println!("Tarpaulin finished"),
        Err(e) => {
            println!("Error during run");