cargo-tally 0.2.3

Cargo subcommand for drawing graphs of the number of direct dependencies on a crate over time

Cargo tally

cargo tally is a Cargo subcommand for drawing graphs of the number of crates that depend directly or indirectly on a crate over time.

Usage: cargo tally --init
       cargo tally [options] <crate>...

    --graph TITLE     Display line graph using gnuplot, rather than dump csv
    --relative        Display as a fraction of total crates, not absolute number
    --transitive      Count transitive dependencies, not just direct dependencies
    --exclude REGEX   Ignore a dependency coming from any crates matching regex


cargo install cargo-tally
cargo tally --init
  • There is a one-time setup step that downloads and extracts an 18 MB tarball of metadata into a directory called tally within the current directory. Subsequent queries read from this cached data and do not query

  • By default cargo tally prints out a CSV with a timestamp column and one column for each crate being tallied. Pass the --graph flag with a title, like --graph "Exponential growth!", to pop open gnuplot with a line graph. Requires gnuplot to be present in your $PATH. On Ubuntu I was able to install this with sudo apt install gnuplot. If you can't get that working, you can always run without --graph and make your own graphs in Excel or Gnumeric.

  • The tally command accepts a list of which crates to tally. This can either be the name of a crate like serde or a name with arbitrary semver version specification like serde:0.9. If a version is not specified, dependencies on all versions of the crate are tallied together.

  • If you come up with an interesting graph, please open an issue and just drop the picture in there! I would love to see what you find! Also @mention the crates' authors if you would like to share with them.

cargo tally --graph "Number of crates that depend directly on Serde vs rustc-serialize" rustc-serialize serde

Number of crates that depend directly on Serde vs rustc-serialize

cargo tally --exclude '^google-' --graph "Number of crates that depend directly on each Serde version" serde:0.5 serde:0.6 serde:0.7 serde:0.8 serde:0.9 serde:1.0

Number of crates that depend directly on each Serde version

cargo tally --graph "Fraction of that depends transitively on libc" --relative --transitive libc

Fraction of that depends transitively on libc


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