cargo-sweep 0.2.0

A tool for cleaning unused build files created by Cargo
cargo-sweep-0.2.0 is not a library.


A tool for cleaning unused build files created by Cargo/rustc.

Quick start

To install run:

cargo install cargo-sweep

To clean all build files older than 30 days in the local cargo project run:

cargo sweep -t 30

You can also specify a path instead of defaulting to the current directory:

cargo sweep -t 30 <path>

To preview the results of a sweep run add the -d flag, for instance:

cargo sweep -d -t 30

To clean everything but the latest build you will need to run it in several steps

cargo sweep -s

<Insert cargo-build, cargo test etc...>

cargo sweep -f

The first step generates a timestamp file which will be used to clean everything that was not used between it and the next time the file (-f) option is used.

Finally, you can recursivly clean all cargo project below a given path by adding the -r flag, for instance:

cargo sweep -r -t 30 code/

For more information run:

cargo sweep -h


Cargo-sweep is distributed under the terms the MIT license.

See LICENSE for details.