cargo-spellcheck 0.12.3

Checks all doc comments for spelling mistakes
//! Iterate over a documentation comments and extract allowable content.
//! Operates on strings and ranges referring to the original content. Parses the
//! Commonmark syntax and tracks slices which must not be broken up. Result is a
//! restructured string where the lines are smaller than the maximum allowed
//! line length.

use super::{Indentation, Range};

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::VecDeque;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
/// Tokenizes a section which is delimited by untokenizable content.
pub struct Tokeneer<'s> {
    /// Original source string of continuous lines which are to be wrapped.
    s: &'s str,

    /// If there would occur a line break, that falls within a range of this the
    /// break would only occur afterwards or the whole word gets moved to the
    /// next line. MUST be sorted by `.start` value. Ranges must be in
    /// characters!
    unbreakable_ranges: Vec<Range>,
    unbreakable_idx: usize,

    /// Iterator over chars to keep track of position.
    inner: std::iter::Peekable<std::iter::Enumerate<std::str::CharIndices<'s>>>,
    /// Offset from previous word in bytes
    previous_byte_offset: usize,
    /// Offset from previous word in chars
    previous_char_offset: usize,

impl<'s> Tokeneer<'s> {
    /// Initialize a new tokenizer
    pub fn new(s: &'s str, unbreakable_ranges: Vec<Range>) -> Self {
        let inner = s.char_indices().enumerate().peekable();
        Self {
            unbreakable_idx: 0usize,
            previous_byte_offset: 0usize,
            previous_char_offset: 0usize,

    pub fn add_unbreakables(&mut self, unbreakable_ranges: impl IntoIterator<Item = Range>) {

    pub fn craft_token(
        &mut self,
        char_idx: usize,
        byte_offset: usize,
    ) -> Option<(Range, Range, Cow<'s, str>)> {
        let byte_range = if let Some(&(_char_idx, (byte_offset_next, _c_next))) = self.inner.peek()
            // if the next peek char is a whitespace, that means we reached the end of the word
        } else if self.previous_byte_offset <= byte_offset {
            // Result `peek` is `None`, so we might be at the end of the string
            // so just returning the last chunk to the end of the string is fine.
        } else if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
                "Unreachable condition was reached (byte_offset={}, previous={})",
                byte_offset, self.previous_byte_offset
        } else {
                "Should be never be reachable, please file a bug with the corresponding input data"
            return None;

        let char_range = self.previous_char_offset..char_idx + 1;

        let item = (

impl<'s> Iterator for Tokeneer<'s> {
    /// `(char range, byte range, )`
    type Item = (Range, Range, Cow<'s, str>);
    /// Yields individual tokens with associated ranges in chars and bytes.
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        'outer: while let Some((char_idx, (byte_offset, c))) = {
            'unbreakable: while let Some(unbreakable) =
                // ordered, so if the first is after the current position, all following are too
                if char_idx < unbreakable.start {
                    break 'unbreakable;
                // are we within an unbreakable area
                // iff so, just continue until we are out of the weeds
                if unbreakable.contains(&char_idx) {
                    // watchout for the transition, so we do not overshoot by one!
                    if unbreakable.contains(&(char_idx + 1)) {
                        continue 'outer;
                    } else {
                        break 'unbreakable;
                // the current unbreakable index associated range does not cover us
                // and we are not before it, so we mus be beyond that.
                // Let's see if there is another one and re-try if that covers us
                // already.
                let idx = self.unbreakable_idx + 1;
                if let Some(unbreakable_next) = self.unbreakable_ranges.get(idx) {
                    // check if the next unbreakable is overlapping, should not, but hey
                    if unbreakable_next.contains(&char_idx) {
                        // if yes, adjust the index and keep going
                        self.unbreakable_idx = idx;
                        continue 'unbreakable;
                // There is no next index.
                break 'unbreakable;

            if c.is_whitespace() {
                // track the last whitespace, that plus one marks the start of the next word
                self.previous_byte_offset = byte_offset + 1;
                self.previous_char_offset = char_idx + 1;
                continue 'outer;

            // only relevent if we can peek, otherwise craft a token anyways, we are at the
            // end of our data.
            if let Some((_char_idx_next, (_byte_offset_next, c_next))) = self.inner.peek() {
                // assure the next one is whitespace
                if !c_next.is_whitespace() {
                    continue 'outer;

            if let Some(item) = self.craft_token(char_idx, byte_offset) {
                return Some(item);

/// Re-glue all tokenized items under the constrained of a maximum line width
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Gluon<'s> {
    /// Stores a sequence of undividable items as `(char range, cow str)`, which
    /// are eventually combined to a new line.
    queue: VecDeque<(Range, std::borrow::Cow<'s, str>)>,
    /// Maximum width in columns to be used before breaking a line.
    max_line_width: usize,
    /// Internal counter for keeping track of the line index with base 1.
    line_counter: usize,
    /// A set of indentations for considering indentations if there are more
    /// lines than there are lines, the last values in this vector will be
    /// reused.
    indentations: &'s [Indentation<'s>],
    /// The inner iterator which first tokenizes the string into undividable
    /// items.
    inner: Tokeneer<'s>,

impl<'s> Gluon<'s> {
    pub(crate) fn new(
        s: &'s str,
        max_line_width: usize,
        indentations: &'s [Indentation<'s>],
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            queue: VecDeque::new(),
            line_counter: 0usize,
            inner: Tokeneer::<'s>::new(s, vec![]),

    pub(crate) fn add_unbreakables(&mut self, unbreakable_ranges: impl IntoIterator<Item = Range>) {

    /// Create a new line based on the processing queue
    fn craft_line(&mut self) -> (usize, String, Range) {
        use itertools::Itertools;
        self.line_counter += 1;

        // default to an empty range
        let mut char_range = usize::MAX..0;

        let line_content = self
            .map(|(range, s)| {
                char_range.start = std::cmp::min(range.start, char_range.start);
                char_range.end = std::cmp::max(range.end, char_range.end);
            .inspect(|x| log::trace!("Gluing together: {:?} with > <", x))
            .join(" ");
        (self.line_counter, line_content, char_range)

impl<'s> Iterator for Gluon<'s> {
    /// Returns a tuple of `(line number, line content, char range)`.
    type Item = (usize, String, Range);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // obtain the indentation level for this line
        // we do keep the indentation unless there are
        // no sufficient lines which causes us to use
        // the last used one
        // Iff the whole thing was empty to begin with, `0`
        // is the default fallback.
        let indentation = self
                // the next not yet crafted line
                self.line_counter + 1,
            .map(|x| *x)
            .unwrap_or_else(|| self.indentations.last().map(|x| *x).unwrap_or_default());

        while let Some((char_range, _byte_range, cow_str)) = {
            // calculate the current characters that are already in that line
            // and assume one whitespace inbetween each of them
            let mut qiter = self.queue.iter();
            let acc_len = if let Some((first, _)) = {
                    .map(|(r, _)| r.len())
                    .fold(first.len(), |acc, len| acc + 1 + len)
            } else {

            let offset = indentation.offset();
            let item_len = char_range.len();
            let item = (char_range.clone(), cow_str);
            let ret = if offset + acc_len <= self.max_line_width {
                // calculate the sum if we would add the word
                let sum = offset + acc_len + 1 + item_len;
                if sum > self.max_line_width {
                    // if the line length would be exceeded
                    let ret = self.craft_line();
                } else {
            } else if item_len > self.max_line_width {
                    "A unbreakable chunk is larger than the max line width {} vs {}",
                if acc_len > 0 {
                    // craft a line before inserting
                    // to avoid exceeding too much
                    // so use what is in there now and leave the overly long item for the next `next()` call
                    let line = self.craft_line();
                } else {
            } else {
                // the queue len is already larger than what the max line length allows
                // since we do this iteratively, it should only happen for an unbreakable statement
                // that exceeds the max line length or very large offsets
                let ret = self.craft_line();
            return Some(ret);
        if self.queue.is_empty() {
        } else {
            let line = self.craft_line();

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    /// `indentations` represent the indentation of individual lines in
    /// `content`.
    fn verify_reflow(
        content: &'static str,
        expected: &'static str,
        max_line_width: usize,
        unbreakables: Vec<Range>,
        indentations: Vec<usize>,
    ) {
        let indentations = indentations
            .map(|n| Indentation::<'static>::new(n))
        let expected = expected
            .map(|(idx, line)| (idx + 1, line));

        let mut gluon = Gluon::new(content, max_line_width, &indentations);


        for ((line_no, line_content, _), (expected_no, expected_content)) in
            assert_eq!(line_no, expected_no);
            assert_eq!(dbg!(line_content), dbg!(expected_content));

        assert_eq!(dbg!(gluon).count(), expected.count());

    mod tokeneer {
        use super::*;

        fn verify(content: &'static str, expected: &[&'static str], unbreakables: Vec<Range>) {
            let mut expected_iter = expected.into_iter();
            let tokeneer = Tokeneer::new(content, unbreakables);
            for (idx, (_char_range, _byte_range, s)) in tokeneer.enumerate() {
                let expected = expected_iter
                    .expect("Must be of equal length at index");
                println!("idx {} : {} <=> {}", idx, s, expected);
                assert_eq!(s.to_owned(), expected.to_owned());

        fn smilies() {
            const CONTENT: &str = "🍇🌡 🌤";
            const EXPECTED: &[&'static str] = &["🍇🌡", "🌤"];
            verify(CONTENT, EXPECTED, vec![0..2]);

        fn multi_char() {
            const CONTENT: &str = "abc xyz qwert";
            const EXPECTED: &[&'static str] = &["abc", "xyz", "qwert"];
            verify(CONTENT, EXPECTED, vec![]);

        fn partial_covered_word_unbreakable() {
            const CONTENT: &str = "abc xyz qwert";
            const EXPECTED: &[&'static str] = &["abc xyz", "qwert"];
            verify(CONTENT, EXPECTED, vec![2..5]);

    mod gluon {
        use super::*;
        fn wrap_too_long_fluid() {
            const CONTENT: &str = "something kinda too long for a single line";
            const EXPECTED: &str = r#"something kinda too long for a
single line"#;
            verify_reflow(CONTENT, EXPECTED, 30usize, vec![], vec![0]);

        fn wrap_too_short_fluid() {
            const CONTENT: &str = r#"something

            const EXPECTED: &str = r#"something kinda too short for
a single line"#;

            verify_reflow(CONTENT, EXPECTED, 30usize, vec![], vec![0; 8]);

        fn wrap_just_fine() {
            const CONTENT: &str = r#"just fine, no action required 🐱"#;
            const EXPECTED: &str = CONTENT;

            verify_reflow(CONTENT, EXPECTED, 40usize, vec![], vec![0]);

        fn wrap_too_long_unbreakable() {
            const CONTENT: &str = "something kinda too Xong for a singlX line";
            const EXPECTED: &str = r#"something kinda too
Xong for a singlX line"#;
            verify_reflow(CONTENT, EXPECTED, 30usize, vec![20..37], vec![0]);

        fn spaces_and_tabs() {
            const CONTENT: &str = "        something     kinda       ";
            const EXPECTED: &str = r#"something kinda"#;
            verify_reflow(CONTENT, EXPECTED, 20usize, vec![], vec![0]);

        fn deep_indentation_too_long() {
            const CONTENT: &str = r#"deep indentation"#;
            const EXPECTED: &str = r#"deep
            // 20 < 31 = 4 + 1 + 11 + 15
            verify_reflow(CONTENT, EXPECTED, 20usize, vec![], vec![15]);

        fn deep_indentation_too_short() {
            let _ = env_logger::builder()
                .filter(None, log::LevelFilter::Trace)

            const CONTENT: &str = r#"deep
            const EXPECTED: &str = r#"deep indentation"#;
            // 22 > 21 = 4 + 1 + 11 + 5
            verify_reflow(CONTENT, EXPECTED, 22usize, vec![], vec![5, 5]);