cargo-spellcheck 0.0.3

Checks all doc comments for spelling mistakes
cargo-spellcheck-0.0.3 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: cargo-spellcheck-0.14.0


WIP Check your spelling. WIP


Run cargo spellcheck --fix or cargo spellcheck fix to fix all your documentation comments in order to avoid narsty types all over the place.

Meant as a helper simplifying review as well as possibly improving CI after a learning phase for custom/topic specifc lingo. cargo spellcheck has a return code 1 if any unknown words are found, and 0 on success.

Error display follows cargo error printing style:


  • Decent error printing
  • cargo-spellcheck check
  • Spell checking using hunspell
  • Merge multiline doc comments
  • Grammar check using languagetool http API
  • False positive reduction
  • Be markdown aware
  • Exclude ``` wrapped sections
  • Add files
  • cargo-spellcheck fix
  • cargo-spellcheck fix --interactive
  • Re-wrap doc comments
  • Word split validation

hunspell and languagetool are currently the two supported featuresets.


Requires the native library

dnf install -y hunspell-devel

and building should succeed just fine.


Run a instance of the LanguageTool server i.e. as container .