cargo-rdme 1.1.0

Cargo command to create your `` from your crate's documentation
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#![cfg_attr(feature = "fatal-warnings", deny(warnings))]
// Note: If you change this remember to update ``.  To do so run `cargo run`.
//! Cargo command to create your README from your crate’s documentation.
//! # Installation
//! You can install cargo rdme with cargo by running `cargo install cargo-rdme`.
//! # Usage
//! Cargo rdme will insert your crate’s documentation in your README file.  To control where the
//! documentation will be inserted you need to insert a marker: `<!-- cargo-rdme -->`.  For example,
//! you can start your README with some glorious badges and follow up with the rustdoc
//! documentation:
//! ```markdown
//! [![Build Status](](
//! <!-- cargo-rdme -->
//! ```
//! After running `cargo rdme` you will find your README to be something like:
//! ```markdown
//! [![Build Status](](
//! <!-- cargo-rdme start -->
//! <!-- cargo-rdme end -->
//! ```
//! Whenever change your crate’s documentation you just need to run `cargo rdme` to update your
//! README file.
//! # Automatic transformations
//! The documentation of your crate doesn’t always map directly to a good README.  For example,
//! rust code blocks can have hidden lines.  Those should not be shown in the README file.
//! This section covers the transformation cargo rdme automatically apply to generate a better
//! ## Rust code block
//! Rust code block are transformed in two ways by cargo rdme:
//! 1. Rust code blocks with lines starting with `#` will be omitted, just like in `rustdoc`.
//! 2. Rust code blocks get annotated with the `rust` markdown tag so it gets proper syntax
//!    highlighting.  We also remove tags that only concern `rustdoc` such as `should_panic`.
//! In the table below you can see an example of these modification.  The code block now is
//! tagged with `rust` and hidden lines were removed:
//! <table border="1">
//! <col span="1" width="40%">
//! <col span="1" width="40%">
//! </colgroup>
//! <tr>
//! <th><center>Crate’s rustdoc</center></th>
//! <th><center></center></th>
//! <tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>
//! ```rust
//! //! To check if a number is prime do:
//! //!
//! //! ```
//! //! # fn main() {
//! //! for i in 2.. {
//! //!     if is_prime(i) {
//! //!         println!("{i}");
//! //!     }
//! //! }
//! //! # }
//! //! ```
//! ```
//! </td>
//! <td>
//! ````markdown
//! To check if a number is prime do:
//! ```rust
//! for i in 2.. {
//!     if is_prime(i) {
//!         println!("{i}");
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! ````
//! </td>
//! </tr>
//! </table>
//! ## Intralinks
//! Rust documentation can contain [links to items defined in the crate](
//! This links would not make sense in your README file, so cargo rdme automatically generate
//! links to []( for these intralinks.
//! Currently we only support links of the form `[⋯](crate::⋯)`, so be sure to use that format.
//! Links to the standard library are also supported, and they must be of the form
//! `[⋯](::<crate>::⋯)`, where `<crate>` is a crate that is part of the standard library, such as
//! `std`, `core`, or `alloc`.
//! Take a look at the example below:
//! <table border="1">
//! <col span="1" width="40%">
//! <col span="1" width="40%">
//! </colgroup>
//! <tr>
//! <th><center>Crate’s rustdoc</center></th>
//! <th><center></center></th>
//! <tr>
//! <tr>
//! <td>
//! ```rust
//! //! To check if a number is prime use
//! //! [`is_prime`](crate::is_prime).
//! ```
//! </td>
//! <td>
//! ```markdown
//! To check if a number is prime use
//! [`is_prime`](
//! ```
//! </td>
//! </tr>
//! </table>
//! Note that there is some limitations in intralink support.  This is a complex feature: cargo rdme
//! needs to do some work to be able to create the link to  This is because the link
//! includes the kind of item the intralink points to, in the case of `is_prime` we need to discover
//! that is a function to generate a link that ends in `fn.is_prime.html`.  Therefore, intralink
//! support should be considered "best effort" (for instance, don’t expect items generated by macros
//! to be resolved).  If cargo rdme is unable to generate the link it will still generate the README
//! file, but a warning will be emitted.
//! # Configuration file
//! If the default behavior of `cargo rdme` is not appropriate for your project you can crate a
//! configuration file `.cargo-rdme.toml` in the root of your project.  This is how that
//! configuration file can look like:
//! ```toml
//! # Override the README file path.  When this is not set cargo rdme will use the file path defined
//! # in the project’s `Cargo.toml`.
//! readme-path = ""
//! # What line terminator to use when generating the README file.  This can be "lf" or "crlf".
//! line-terminator = "lf"
//! # If you are using a workspace to hold multiple projects, use this to select the project from
//! # which to extract the documentation from.  It can be useful to also set `readme-path` to create
//! # the README file in the root of the project.
//! workspace-project = "subproject"
//! # The default entrypoint will be `src/`.  You can change that in the `entrypoint` table.
//! [entrypoint]
//! # The entrypoint type can be "lib" or "bin".
//! type = "bin"
//! # When you set type to "bin" the entrypoint default to `src/`.  If you have binary targets
//! # specified in your cargo manifest you can select them by name with `bin-name`.
//! bin-name = "my-bin-name"
//! [intralinks]
//! # Defines the base url to use in intralinks urls.  The default value is ``.
//! docs-rs-base-url = ""
//! # Defines the version to use in intralinks urls.  The default value is `latest`.
//! docs-rs-version = "1.0.0"
//! # If this is set the intralinks will be stripping in the README file.
//! strip-links = false
//! ```
//! These setting can be overridden with command line flags.  Run `cargo rdme --help` for more
//! information.
//! # Integration with CI
//! To verify that your README is up to date with your crate’s documentation you can run
//! `cargo rdme --check`.  The exit code will be `0` if the README is up to date, `3` if it’s
//! not, or `4` if there were warnings.
//! If you use GitHub Actions you can add this step to verify if the README is up to date:
//! ```yaml
//! - name: Check if the README is up to date.
//!   run: |
//!     cargo install cargo-rdme
//!     cargo rdme --check
//! ```

use crate::options::{EntrypointOpt, LineTerminatorOpt};
use cargo_rdme::transform::IntralinkError;
use cargo_rdme::{
    extract_doc_from_source_file, infer_line_terminator, inject_doc_in_readme, LineTerminator,
use cargo_rdme::{Doc, ProjectError, Readme};
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use thiserror::Error;

mod console;
mod options;

enum ExitCode {
    Ok = 0,
    Error = 1,
    /// Exit code we don't update the README because we would overwrite uncommitted changes.
    ReadmeNotUpdatedUncommittedChanges = 2,
    /// Exit code when we run in "check mode" and the README is not up to date.
    CheckMismatch = 3,
    /// Exit code when we run in "check mode" and there were warnings.
    CheckHasWarnings = 4,

impl From<RunError> for ExitCode {
    fn from(value: RunError) -> ExitCode {
        match value {
            | RunError::ExtractDocError(_)
            | RunError::ReadmeError(_)
            | RunError::NoEntrySourceFile
            | RunError::NoReadmeFile
            | RunError::NoRustdoc
            | RunError::InjectDocError(_)
            | RunError::TransformIntraLinkError(_)
            | RunError::IOError(_) => ExitCode::Error,
            RunError::ReadmeNotUpdatedUncommittedChanges => {
            RunError::CheckReadmeMismatch => ExitCode::CheckMismatch,
            RunError::CheckHasWarnings => ExitCode::CheckHasWarnings,

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
enum RunError {
    #[error("failed to get project info: {0}")]
    #[error("failed to extract rust doc: {0}")]
    #[error("failed to process README: {0}")]
    #[error("failed get crate's entry source file")]
    #[error("crate's README file not found")]
    #[error("crate-level rustdoc not found")]
    #[error("failed to inject the documentation in the README: {0}")]
    #[error("IO error: {0}")]
        "not updating README: it has uncommitted changes (use `--force` to bypass this check)"
    #[error("failed to transform intralinks: {0}")]
    #[error("README is not up to date")]
    #[error("README is up to date, but warnings were emitted")]

impl From<ProjectError> for RunError {
    fn from(e: ProjectError) -> RunError {

impl From<cargo_rdme::ExtractDocError> for RunError {
    fn from(e: cargo_rdme::ExtractDocError) -> RunError {

impl From<cargo_rdme::ReadmeError> for RunError {
    fn from(e: cargo_rdme::ReadmeError) -> RunError {

impl From<cargo_rdme::InjectDocError> for RunError {
    fn from(e: cargo_rdme::InjectDocError) -> RunError {

impl From<std::io::Error> for RunError {
    fn from(e: std::io::Error) -> RunError {

impl From<IntralinkError> for RunError {
    fn from(e: IntralinkError) -> RunError {

impl From<std::convert::Infallible> for RunError {
    fn from(_: std::convert::Infallible) -> RunError {

/// Check if the README is up to date.
/// This will check if the README has the given line terminator as well.
fn is_readme_up_to_date(
    readme_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
    new_readme: &Readme,
    line_terminator: LineTerminator,
) -> Result<bool, RunError> {
    let current_readme_raw: String = std::fs::read_to_string(readme_path)?;
    let new_readme_raw: Vec<u8> = {
        let mut bytes: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(32 * 1024);
        new_readme.write(&mut bytes, line_terminator)?;

    Ok(current_readme_raw.as_bytes() == new_readme_raw.as_slice())

fn entrypoint<'a>(project: &'a Project, entrypoint_opt: &EntrypointOpt) -> Option<&'a Path> {
    match entrypoint_opt {
        EntrypointOpt::Auto => {
            project.get_lib_entryfile_path().or_else(|| project.get_bin_default_entryfile_path())
        EntrypointOpt::Lib => project.get_lib_entryfile_path(),
        EntrypointOpt::BinDefault => project.get_bin_default_entryfile_path(),
        EntrypointOpt::BinName(name) => project.get_bin_entryfile_path(name),

fn line_terminator(
    line_terminator_opt: LineTerminatorOpt,
    readme_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> std::io::Result<LineTerminator> {
    match line_terminator_opt {
        LineTerminatorOpt::Auto => infer_line_terminator(readme_path),
        LineTerminatorOpt::Lf => Ok(LineTerminator::Lf),
        LineTerminatorOpt::CrLf => Ok(LineTerminator::CrLf),

struct Warnings {
    had_warnings: bool,

fn transform_doc(
    doc: &Doc,
    project: &Project,
    entrypoint: impl AsRef<Path>,
    options: &options::Options,
) -> Result<(Doc, Warnings), RunError> {
    use cargo_rdme::transform::{
        DocTransform, DocTransformIntralinks, DocTransformRustMarkdownTag,

    let transform = DocTransformRustRemoveComments::new();
    // TODO Use `into_ok()` once it is stable (
    let doc = transform.transform(doc)?;

    let transform = DocTransformRustMarkdownTag::new();
    // TODO Use `into_ok()` once it is stable (
    let doc = transform.transform(&doc)?;

    let had_warnings = Cell::new(false);
    let transform = DocTransformIntralinks::new(
        |msg| {
            print_warning!("{}", msg);

    Ok((transform.transform(&doc)?, Warnings { had_warnings: had_warnings.into_inner() }))

/// Check if the `path` has local changes that were not yet commited.
/// This returns `None` if we were not able to determine that.
fn git_is_current(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Option<bool> {
    use git2::{Repository, Status};

    let repository = Repository::discover(path.as_ref().parent()?).ok()?;
    let repository_path = repository.path().parent()?;

    let path_repository_base = path.as_ref().strip_prefix(repository_path).ok()?;

    let status = repository.status_file(path_repository_base).ok()?;

    Some(status == Status::CURRENT)

fn update_readme(
    new_readme: &Readme,
    readme_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
    line_terminator: LineTerminator,
    ignore_uncommitted_changes: bool,
) -> Result<(), RunError> {
    match ignore_uncommitted_changes || git_is_current(&readme_path).unwrap_or(true) {
        true => Ok(new_readme.write_to_file(&readme_path, line_terminator)?),
        false => Err(RunError::ReadmeNotUpdatedUncommittedChanges),

fn run(options: options::Options) -> Result<(), RunError> {
    let project: Project = match options.workspace_project {
        None => Project::from_current_dir()?,
        Some(ref project) => Project::from_current_dir_workspace_project(project)?,
    let entryfile: &Path =
        entrypoint(&project, &options.entrypoint).ok_or(RunError::NoEntrySourceFile)?;
    let doc: Doc = match extract_doc_from_source_file(entryfile)? {
        None => return Err(RunError::NoRustdoc),
        Some(doc) => doc,

    let (doc, warnings) = transform_doc(&doc, &project, entryfile, &options)?;

    let readme_path: PathBuf = match options.readme_path {
        None => project.get_readme_path().ok_or(RunError::NoReadmeFile)?,
        Some(path) => {
            if !path.is_file() {
                return Err(RunError::NoReadmeFile);
    let original_readme: Readme = Readme::from_file(&readme_path)?;
    let new_readme = inject_doc_in_readme(&original_readme, &doc)?;

    if !new_readme.had_marker {
        let msg = indoc::formatdoc! { "
            No marker found in the README file ({readme_filepath}).

            cargo-rdme expects a marker in the README where the crate’s documentation will
            be inserted.  This is the marker you should add to your README:

            readme_filepath = readme_path.display(),
            marker = cargo_rdme::MARKER_RDME,
        print_info!("{}", msg);

    let line_terminator = line_terminator(options.line_terminator, &readme_path)?;

    match options.check {
        false => update_readme(&new_readme.readme, readme_path, line_terminator, options.force),
        true => {
            if !is_readme_up_to_date(&readme_path, &new_readme.readme, line_terminator)? {
                return Err(RunError::CheckReadmeMismatch);

            if warnings.had_warnings && !options.no_fail_on_warnings {
                return Err(RunError::CheckHasWarnings);


fn main() {
    let cmd_options = options::cmd_options();

    let exit_code: ExitCode = match std::env::current_dir() {
        Ok(current_dir) => match options::config_file_options(current_dir) {
            Ok(config_file_options) => {
                let options = options::merge_options(cmd_options, config_file_options);

                match run(options) {
                    Ok(_) => ExitCode::Ok,
                    Err(e) => {
                        print_error!("{}", &e);
            Err(e) => {
                print_error!("unable to read config file: {}", e);
        Err(e) => {
            print_error!("unable to get current directory: {}", e);

    std::process::exit(exit_code as i32);