cargo-pgx 0.0.1

cargo subcommand for 'pgx' to make Postgres extension development easy
cargo-pgx-0.0.1 is not a library.


cargo-pgx is a Cargo subcommand for managing pgx-based Postgres extensions.

You'll want to use cargo pgx during your extension development process. It automates the process of creating new Rust crate projects, auto-generating the SQL schema for your extension, installing your extension locally for testing with Postgres, and running your test suite against one or more versions of Postgres.


Installing via is really easy:

$ cargo install pgx


$ cargo pgx --help                

    cargo-pgx pgx [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    get        get a property from the extension control file
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install    install the extension from the current crate
    new        create a new extension crate
    schema     generate a schema
    test       run the test suite for this crate

Note that for cargo pgx install to work properly, you need the pg_config tool in your $PATH for the version of Postgres against which you wish to install and use your extension.