cargo-packager-updater 0.2.0

Rust executable updater.
# Changelog

## \[0.2.0]

- [`c16d17a`] Enable `rustls-tls` feature flag by default.

## \[0.1.4]

- [`3ee2290`][#147] Prevent powershell window from opening when the msi and nsis installer are executed.

## \[0.1.3]

- [`0e00ca2`][#146] Enable native certificates via `rustls-native-certs`.

## \[0.1.2]

### Dependencies

- Upgraded to `cargo-packager-utils@0.1.0`

## \[0.1.1]

- [`feb53a2`][#102] Fix NSIS updater failing to launch when using `basicUi` mode.
- [`e58c7e2`][#113] Add `process-relaunch-dangerous-allow-symlink-macos` feature flag to control whether to allow relaunching if executable path contains a symlink or not.

## \[0.1.0]

- [`c4fa8fd`] Initial release.