cargo-outdir 0.1.0

A cargo subcommand to get the $OUT_DIR environment variable from build scripts.
#![doc = include_str!("../")]

use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::{env, iter};

use anyhow::Context;
use indexmap::{IndexMap, IndexSet};
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_json::{Deserializer, Value};

use cargo_metadata::PackageId;
use clap::Parser;

mod spec;
use spec::{cargo_path, resolve_pkg_spec, AnalysedMetadata, PackageSpec};

/// Detects the `$OUT_DIR` for build script outputs.
/// See also the Cargo documentation on build script outputs:
/// <>
/// By default, information is output in an ad hoc format, seperated by newlines:
/// `<package_name> <package.OUT_DIR>`
/// However, you can specify `--no-names` to disable the package names,
/// and you can add `--json` to switch to outputing a structured json object.
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(about, version, author)]
struct Cli {
    manifest: clap_cargo::Manifest,
    features: clap_cargo::Features,
    /// Be more verbose, outputting more warnings
    /// By default, messages are suppressed unless a build error occurrs.
    #[clap(long, short)]
    verbose: bool,
    /// Supress output from cargo check
    /// This is the default if stdout is not a terminal.
    #[clap(long, short)]
    quiet: bool,
    /// Use a compact json format to ouptut package directory names,
    /// instead of the ad-hoc line by line format.
    /// The output is in the format `{"first-crate": "$OUT_DIR", "second-crate": "$OUT_DIR"}`.
    json: bool,
    /// Exclude package names from the ad-hoc output.
    /// Each package would correspond to `<OUTPUT_DIR>` seperated by a newline package
    /// This is not permitted when using implicit scanning for packages (`--workspace` or `--all`)
    /// as the order of the output would be ambigous.
        conflicts_with = "json",
        conflicts_with = "all",
        conflicts_with = "workspace"
    no_names: bool,
    /// Skip packages that are missing outdirs (dont have build scripts).
    /// This is the default when using `--workspace` or `--all` (and not specifying `--json`)
    /// If no packages are found with outdirs, this will exit with an error (2).
    #[clap(long = "skip-missing")]
    skip_missing_outdirs: bool,
    /// Include packages that are missing outdirs (ones that don't have build scripts).
    /// This is the default when using `--current` or an explicit list of packages.
    #[clap(long = "include-missing", conflicts_with = "skip-missing-outdirs")]
    include_missing_outdirs: bool,
    /// Process *all* the possible packages, including transitive dependencies.
    /// Consider using `--workspace` instead (to avoid transitive dependencies)
    #[clap(long, group = "target-packages")]
    all: bool,
    /// Process all the packages in the current workspace.
    #[clap(long, group = "target-packages")]
    workspace: bool,
    /// Process the package in the current directory.
    /// This is the default if nothing else is specified.
    #[clap(long, short, group = "target-packages")]
    current: bool,
    /// The target packages to analyse.
    #[clap(group = "target-packages")]
    explicit_packages: Vec<String>,
impl Cli {
    fn target(&self) -> TargetPackages<'_> {
        if self.all {
        } else if self.workspace {
        } else if self.current {
        } else if !self.explicit_packages.is_empty() {
        } else {
            TargetPackages::Current // Default to current

enum TargetPackages<'a> {
    Explicit(&'a [String]),
impl<'a> TargetPackages<'a> {
    fn collect_packages(
        meta: &AnalysedMetadata,
    ) -> Result<IndexSet<PackageId>, anyhow::Error> {
        match *self {
            TargetPackages::All => Ok(meta.packages.iter().map(|pkg| &,
            TargetPackages::Workspace => Ok(meta.workspace_members.iter().cloned().collect()),
            TargetPackages::Current | TargetPackages::Explicit(_) => {
                let specs = self.collect_explicit_package_specs(meta)?;
                    .map(|spec| meta.find_matching_id(spec))
    fn collect_explicit_package_specs(
        _meta: &AnalysedMetadata,
    ) -> Result<Vec<PackageSpec>, anyhow::Error> {
        match *self {
            TargetPackages::Current => Ok(vec![resolve_pkg_spec(None)?]),
            TargetPackages::Explicit(specs) => specs
                .map(|spec| resolve_pkg_spec(Some(&**spec)))
            _ => unreachable!("Not explicit spec: {:?}", self),
    fn is_explicit(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(*self, TargetPackages::Explicit(_) | TargetPackages::Current)

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut args = env::args_os().peekable();
    let binary_name ="Should have binary name"); // Skip binary name
    if args.peek().map(OsStr::new) == Some(OsStr::new("outdir")) {
        // We're running under cargo!;
    let args = iter::once(binary_name).chain(args).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    let cli = Cli::parse_from(args);
    let mut metadata_command = cli.manifest.metadata();
    cli.features.forward_metadata(&mut metadata_command);
    let metadata = metadata_command
        .context("Failed to execute `cargo metadata`")?;
    let metadata = AnalysedMetadata::analyse(metadata);
    let target =;
    let mut check = Command::new(cargo_path());
    let quiet = !cli.verbose && (cli.quiet || atty::isnt(atty::Stream::Stderr));
    let include_missing_outdirs = match (cli.include_missing_outdirs, cli.skip_missing_outdirs) {
        (true, true) => anyhow::bail!(
            "Cannot specify to both include and skip packages that are missing outdirs"
        (true, false) => true,
        (false, true) => false,
        (false, false) => {
            // Default behavior
            // explicit packages => include missing
            // --workspace and --all => skip missing
            target.is_explicit() || cli.json
    if matches!(target, TargetPackages::Current) {
        // Implicitly restrict to the working directory
    } else {
        // Just run the whole workspace then filter ;)
    let desired_packages = target.collect_packages(&metadata)?;
    if !quiet {
        eprintln!("Running `cargo check`:");
    } else {
    let mut child = check.spawn().context("Failed to spawn `cargo check`")?;
    // Begin the processing of the json
    let mut deser = Deserializer::from_reader(child.stdout.take().unwrap()).into_iter::<Value>();
    let build_script_reason = serde_json::json!("build-script-executed");
    let mut out_dirs = IndexMap::with_capacity(metadata.packages.len());
    while let Some(value) = deser
        .context("Failed to read json from `cargo check`")?
        if let Value::Object(ref map) = value {
            if map.get("reason") == Some(&build_script_reason) {
                let package_id = PackageId::deserialize(map["package_id"].clone()).unwrap();
                let out_dir = match map.get("out_dir") {
                    Some(&Value::String(ref s)) => Some(s.clone()),
                    Some(&Value::Null) | None => None,
                    Some(s) => panic!("Out dir is not a string: {:?}", s),
                let old = out_dirs.insert(package_id.clone(), out_dir);
                if old.is_some() && cli.verbose {
                        "Warning: Overriding old out_dir for {:?}: {:?}",
                        package_id, old
        } else if cli.verbose {
                "Expected an object but got a {:?}",
                if value.is_array() {
                } else {
                    format!("{:?}", value)
    let stderr = child
        .map(|mut stderr| {
            let mut buf = String::new();
            match stderr
                .read_to_string(&mut buf)
                .context("Failed to handle `cargo check` stderr")
                Err(e) => Err(e),
                Ok(_) => Ok(buf),
    let check_status = child.wait().context("`cargo check` exited abnormally")?;
    let mut problem = None;

    if check_status.success() {
        let out_dirs = desired_packages
            .map(|id| {
                    out_dirs.get(id).and_then(|o| o.as_ref()),
            .filter(|(_pkg, out_dir)| include_missing_outdirs || out_dir.is_some())
            .collect::<IndexMap<_, _>>();
        if out_dirs.is_empty() {
            problem = Some(Problem::NothingToPrint);
        if cli.json {
            // Json mode ignores problems (open an issue if this is not what you want)
            problem = None;
            // Convert to traditional pkgid as recognized by `cargo pkgid`
            serde_json::to_writer(io::stdout(), &out_dirs).expect("Failed to write output");
        } else {
            for (&spec, out_dir) in out_dirs.iter() {
                if !cli.no_names {
                    print!("{} ",;
                match out_dir {
                    Some(out) => {
                        println!("{}", out);
                    None => {
                        assert!(include_missing_outdirs); // Should've been filtered earlier
                        problem = Some(Problem::MissingOutDir);
                        println!("<MISSING OUT_DIR>");
    } else if let Some(err) = stderr {
        // Print the output from cargo check (that we have previously been hoarding)
        // TOOD: Prettier output (convert from json => semi-human)
            .expect("Failed to dump cargo error messages :(");
    match problem {
        Some(Problem::MissingOutDir) => {
            if !quiet {
                eprintln!("ERROR: Some of the specified crates are missing an $OUT_DIR (or don't have build scripts)");
        Some(Problem::NothingToPrint) => {
            if !quiet {
                eprintln!("ERROR: None of the specified packages have an an $OUT_DIR (or don't have build scripts)");
        None => Ok(()),

enum Problem {