cargo-outdated 0.6.1

Cargo subcommand for displaying when dependencies are out of date
# How to Contribute

Contributions are always welcome! Please use the following guidelines when contributing to `cargo-outdated`

1. Fork `cargo-outdated`
2. Clone your fork (`git clone$YOUR_USERNAME/cargo-outdated && cd cargo-outdated`)
3. Create new branch (`git checkout -b new-branch`)
4. Make your changes, and commit (`git commit -am "your message"`)
 * I use a [conventional] changelog format so I can update my changelog using [clog]
 * Format your commit subject line using the following format: `TYPE(COMPONENT): MESSAGE` where `TYPE` is one of the following:
    - `feat` - A new feature
    - `imp` - An improvement to an existing feature
    - `perf` - A performance improvement
    - `docs` - Changes to documentation only
    - `tests` - Changes to the testing framework or tests only
    - `fix` - A bug fix
    - `refactor` - Code functionality doesn't change, but underlying structure may
    - `style` - Stylistic changes only, no functionality changes
    - `wip` - A work in progress commit (Should typically be `git rebase`'ed away)
    - `chore` - Catch all or things that have to do with the build system, etc
 * The `COMPONENT` is optional, and may be a single file, directory, or logical component. Can be omitted if commit applies globally
5. Run the tests (`cargo test`)
6. `git rebase` into concise commits and remove `--fixup`s (`git rebase -i HEAD~NUM` where `NUM` is number of commits back)
7. Push your changes back to your fork (`git push origin $your-branch`)
8. Create a pull request! (You can also create the pull request first, and we'll merge when ready. This a good way to discuss proposed changes.)