cargo-msrv 0.5.0

Assists with finding your minimum supported Rust version (MSRV)


This crate can assist you in finding the Minimum Supported Rust Version for a crate.


With Cargo from [latest release]:

cargo install cargo-msrv to install or cargo install cargo-msrv --force to update

With Cargo from Github [latest development version]:

cargo install cargo-msrv --git --branch main


cargo-msrv preview


  • cargo msrv to find the MSRV for the current working directory cargo project.
  • cargo msrv --path <dir> to find the MSRV in the <dir> directory cargo project.
  • cargo msrv -- <command> to use <command> as the compatibility check which decides whether a Rust version is compatible or not. This command should be runnable through rustup run <toolchain> <command>.


Helps with finding the Minimal Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

    cargo msrv [OPTIONS]

            Use a binary search to find the MSRV instead of a linear search

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

            Include all patch releases, instead of only the last

            Temporarily removes the lockfile, so it will not interfere with the building process. This is important when
            testing against Rust versions prior to 1.38.0, for which Cargo does not recognize the new v2 lockfile.
        --maximum <max>
            Latest version to take into account

        --minimum <min>
            Earliest version to take into account.

        --path <DIR>
            Path to the cargo project directory

        --target <TARGET>
            Check against a custom target (instead of the rustup default)

            Output a rust-toolchain file with the MSRV as toolchain. The toolchain file will pin the Rust version for
            this crate. See for more.
    -V, --version
            Prints version information

            If given, this command is used to validate if a Rust version is compatible. Should be available to rustup,
            i.e. the command should work like so: `rustup run <toolchain> <COMMAND>`. The default check action is `cargo
            check --all`.

If arguments are provided after two dashes (`--`), they will be used as a custom command to validate whether a Rust
version is compatible. By default for this validation the command `cargo build` is used. Commands should be runnable by
rustup, i.e. validation commands will be passed to rustup like so: `rustup run <toolchain> <COMMAND...>`. You'll only
need to provide the <COMMAND...> part.


Tests should be run with a single thread, because otherwise rustup uses the a single place for the download cache of a specific toolchain version, and our multiple tests may attempt to overwrite or move the same cached version causing the tests to get stuck and fail. You can achieve the above with the following Cargo command: cargo test -- --test-threads=1.


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