cargo-modules 0.4.1

A cargo plugin for showing a tree-like overview of a crate's modules.
# cargo-modules

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## Synopsis

A cargo plugin for showing a tree-like overview of a crate's modules.

## Motivation

With time, as your Rust projects grow bigger and bigger,
it gets more and more important to properly structure your code.
Fortunately Rust provides us with a quite sophisticated module system,
allowing us to neatly split up our crates into arbitrarily small sub-modules
of types and functions. While this helps to avoid monolithic and unstructured
chunks of code, it can also make it hard at times to still mentally stay
on top of the over-all high-level structure of the project at hand.

This is where `cargo-modules` comes into play:


## Installation

Install `cargo-modules` on nightly via:

cargo install cargo-modules

Or using rustup's ad-hoc mode:

rustup run nightly cargo install cargo-modules

Or if you want to build it locally:

$ rustup run nightly cargo build --release

## Usage

**cargo-modules requires nightly to run.**
As such unless you already are using `nightly` you need to either run this [rustup]( command _once_,
to set the default toolchain to `nightly`:

rustup default nightly

… or override the toolchain for the current directory (again, _once_):

rustup override set nightly

To then be able to just call **cargo-modules** through:

cargo modules <options>

Or if you want to stay on the `beta` or `stable` toolchain you would have to call **cargo-modules** through:

rustup run nightly cargo modules <options>

### Orphaned Modules

If you want to also list of potentially orphaned modules,
then add a `--orphans` argument:

cargo modules --orphans

Any file `src/../` or `src/../foo/` that is not linked by its
`super`-module via `mod foo;` is considered a (potential) orphaned module.

To keep false positives to a minimum `cargo-modules` excludes all build scripts
as well as `` and `` from the selection of potential orphans.

### Plain Mode

If you, for some reason, need to remove the coloring, use:

cargo modules --plain

### Dot mode

If you also want to see which modules depends on which other modules, you can use dot mode to output Graphviz DOT compatible output.

cargo modules --dot


As extra options you can toggle external types/modules, conditional modules and used types using the `--external`, `--conditional` and `--types` options respectively.

#### Legend

- Green nodes are public modules.
- Yellow nodes are private modules.
- Black nodes are external types or modules.
- Dotted nodes are conditional (test modules for example).

- Black edges denote a 'is sub module of' relation.
- Yellow/Green edges denote a 'use something of module' relation  
  The width of the edge is determined by the number of types used.
  If types are enabled the edge label shows the types used
  Green means the use is public, yellow means the use is private.

### Help

If you need any further help:

cargo modules --help

## Contributing

Please read []( for details on our [code of conduct](,  
and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

## Versioning

We use [SemVer]( for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](

## Authors

* **Vincent Esche***Initial work*[Regexident]

See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.

## License

This project is licensed under the [**MPL-2.0**]( – see the []( file for details.