cargo-mod 0.1.1

A cargo sub command for generating modules in your project. Reducing time spent writing boilerplate.
cargo-mod-0.1.1 is not a library.

cargo-mod Build Status

A cargo sub command for generating modules.

Create a new module or modules in the current cargo project.

Usage: cargo mod [] [] cargo mod -h | --help

Options: -h, --help Print this message -p, --private Make the generated module/s private

Details: The path is a path seperated by / (even if on windows for now.) and will generate all folder modules in between the final module and beginning module. The starting point being the current working directory.

Example: If you are in the root of your project and you run

cargo mod this/is/a/module

We will generate 3 folder modules

this is a

and 1 file module

With a final directory structure of:


  • Cargo.toml
  • src/
    • this/
      • is/
        • a/

We will also automatically add the correct mod exports to the generated files AND to whichever exists with a preference for if both exist

However if you are inside the src/ directory we will start generation from your current directory in the repo.

If you want to only generate one module you can denote whether it is a folder or file module by the addition or omission of a trailing /

Example folder: cargo mod new/

Example file: cargo mod new