cargo-make 0.35.14

Rust task runner and build tool.
name = "cargo-make"
version = "0.35.14"
authors = ["Sagie Gur-Ari <>"]
description = "Rust task runner and build tool."
license = "Apache-2.0"
edition = "2021"
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
readme = ""
keywords = ["task", "build", "cargo", "plugin", "subcommand"]
categories = [
include = [

name = "cli"
path = "src/lib/"

name = "cargo-make"
path = "src/"

name = "makers"
path = "src/"

cargo_metadata = "^0.15"
ci_info = "^0.14.5"
cliparser = "^0.1"
colored = "^2"
ctrlc = "^3.2.2"
dirs-next = "^2"
duckscript = "^0.7.3"
duckscriptsdk = { version = "^0.8.13", default-features = false }
envmnt = "^0.10.0"
fern = "^0.6"
fsio = { version = "^0.3.1", features = ["temp-path"] }
git_info = "^0.1.2"
glob = "^0.3"
home = "^0.5"
indexmap = { version = "^1", features = ["serde-1"] }
ignore = "^0.4"
lenient_semver = "^0.4.2"
log = "^0.4"
regex = "^1.5.5"
run_script = "^0.9"
rust_info = "^0.3.1"
semver = "^1"
serde = "^1"
serde_derive = "^1"
serde_ignored = "^0.1"
serde_json = "^1"
shell2batch = "^0.4.4"
toml = "^0.5"

ansi_term = "^0.12.1"

tls-rustls = ["duckscriptsdk/tls-rustls"]
tls-native = ["duckscriptsdk/tls-native"]
tls = ["tls-rustls"]                      # alias for backward compatibility
default = ["tls-rustls"]

branch = "master"
repository = "sagiegurari/cargo-make"
service = "github"