cargo-leap 0.1.0

A cargo subcommand for generating new projects.
Cargo Leap


Leap pass the setup for your project and craft applications quickly with ease. Cargo leap is a cargo sub-command for generating new projects from crates which contain a leap directory.

Project Goals:
- Provide a means to create project template
- Download any crate from and read leap directory
- Provide useful features as they are needed.

### Getting Leap

You can use cargo install to get leap:
# cargo install cargo-leap
Please ensure that you have added your cargo binary directory to you PATH environment variable.

### Usage

Run cargo leap:
# cargo leap template-crate project-name

- **template-create** is the name of the [crate] you wish to use as a template.
- **project-name** is the name you wish to call your project

Please check your project and update files such as cargo.toml to match the details of your project.

### Example

# cargo leap leap portal

### Contributions

Any contributions are welcome, please read the [contributing guidlines](, before making any changes.