cargo-kcov 0.3.1

Cargo subcommand to run kcov to get coverage report on Linux and macOS

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Collect test coverage on all the test cases for the current project using
[`kcov`]( on Linux.


In the project run

$ cargo kcov

It will run all test cases and collect coverage statistics via kcov. The coverage report can be read
from `target/cov/index.html`.


> **Important!** `kcov` only supports covering Rust programs on Linux at the moment. Track
> [SimonKagstrom/kcov#135] and
> [#157] for macOS support.

You need to install `kcov` v26 or above to collect coverage report from Rust. Some distro is still
shipping v25 or v11, so you will need to build from source.
Please follow the instruction in <>. **`cargo-kcov` requires v30 or
above** since earlier versions of kcov do not report its version number.

cargo-kcov requires Rust 1.11.0 or above (requirement by the `clap` crate).


`cargo-kcov` can be installed with `cargo install`.

$ cargo install cargo-kcov


    cargo-kcov 0.3.1
    Generate coverage report via kcov

        cargo kcov [OPTIONS] [--] [KCOV-ARGS]...

            --lib                      Test only this package's library
            --bin <NAME>...            Test only the specified binary
            --example <NAME>...        Test only the specified example
            --test <NAME>...           Test only the specified integration test target
            --bench <NAME>...          Test only the specified benchmark target
        -j, --jobs <N>                 The number of jobs to run in parallel
            --release                  Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations
            --features <FEATURES>      Space-separated list of features to also build
            --no-default-features      Do not build the `default` feature
            --target <TRIPLE>          Build for the target triple
            --manifest-path <PATH>     Path to the manifest to build tests for
            --no-fail-fast             Run all tests regardless of failure
            --kcov <PATH>              Path to the kcov executable
        -o, --output <PATH>            Output directory, default to [target/cov]
        -v, --verbose                  Use verbose output
            --coveralls                Upload merged coverage data to from Travis CI
            --no-clean-rebuild         Do not perform a clean rebuild before collecting coverage.
                                       This improves performance when the test case was already
                                       built for coverage, but may cause wrong coverage statistics
                                       if used incorrectly. If you use this option, make sure the
                                       `target/` folder is used exclusively by one rustc/cargo
                                       version only, and the test cases are built with
                                       `RUSTFLAGS="-C link-dead-code" cargo test`.
            --print-install-kcov-sh    Prints the sh code that installs kcov to `~/.cargo/bin`. Note
                                       that this will *not* install dependencies required by kcov.
        -h, --help                     Prints help information
        -V, --version                  Prints version information

        <KCOV-ARGS>...    Further arguments passed to kcov. If empty, the default arguments
                          `--verify --exclude-pattern=/.cargo` will be passed to kcov.