cargo-hack 0.5.16

Cargo subcommand to provide various options useful for testing and continuous integration.
Cargo subcommand to provide various options useful for testing and continuous integration.

    cargo hack [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

Use -h for short descriptions and --help for more details.

    -p, --package <SPEC>...              Package(s) to check
        --all                            Alias for --workspace
        --workspace                      Perform command for all packages in the workspace
        --exclude <SPEC>...              Exclude packages from the check
        --manifest-path <PATH>           Path to Cargo.toml
    -F, --features <FEATURES>...         Space-separated list of features to activate
        --each-feature                   Perform for each feature of the package
        --feature-powerset               Perform for the feature powerset of the package
        --optional-deps [DEPS]...        Use optional dependencies as features
        --skip <FEATURES>...             Alias for --exclude-features
        --exclude-features <FEATURES>... Space-separated list of features to exclude
        --exclude-no-default-features    Exclude run of just --no-default-features flag
        --exclude-all-features           Exclude run of just --all-features flag
        --depth <NUM>                    Specify a max number of simultaneous feature flags of
        --group-features <FEATURES>...   Space-separated list of features to group
        --include-features <FEATURES>... Include only the specified features in the feature
                                         combinations instead of package features
        --no-dev-deps                    Perform without dev-dependencies
        --remove-dev-deps                Equivalent to --no-dev-deps flag except for does not
                                         restore the original `Cargo.toml` after performed
        --ignore-private                 Skip to perform on `publish = false` packages
        --ignore-unknown-features        Skip passing --features flag to `cargo` if that feature
                                         does not exist in the package
        --version-range <START>..[END]   Perform commands on a specified (inclusive) range of Rust
        --version-step <NUM>             Specify the version interval of --version-range (default
                                         to `1`)
        --clean-per-run                  Remove artifacts for that package before running the
        --clean-per-version              Remove artifacts per Rust version
        --keep-going                     Keep going on failure
    -v, --verbose                        Use verbose output
        --color <WHEN>                   Coloring: auto, always, never
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
    -V, --version                        Prints version information

Some common cargo commands are (see all commands with --list):
    build       Compile the current package
    check       Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files
    run         Run a binary or example of the local package
    test        Run the tests