cargo-hack 0.5.16

Cargo subcommand to provide various options useful for testing and continuous integration.
// Refs:
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use std::{
    collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},
    path::{Path, PathBuf},

use anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Result};
use serde_json::{Map, Value};

use crate::{cargo, cli::Args, fs, restore, term};

type Object = Map<String, Value>;
type ParseResult<T> = Result<T, &'static str>;

/// An opaque unique identifier for referring to the package.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub(crate) struct PackageId {
    /// The underlying string representation of id.
    /// The precise format is an implementation detail and is subject to change.
    repr: Rc<str>,

impl From<String> for PackageId {
    fn from(repr: String) -> Self {
        Self { repr: repr.into() }

pub(crate) struct Metadata {
    pub(crate) cargo_version: u32,
    /// List of all packages in the workspace and all feature-enabled dependencies.
    pub(crate) packages: HashMap<PackageId, Package>,
    /// List of members of the workspace.
    pub(crate) workspace_members: Vec<PackageId>,
    /// The resolved dependency graph for the entire workspace.
    pub(crate) resolve: Resolve,
    /// The absolute path to the root of the workspace.
    pub(crate) workspace_root: PathBuf,

impl Metadata {
    pub(crate) fn new(args: &Args, cargo: &OsStr, restore: &restore::Manager) -> Result<Self> {
        // If failed to determine cargo version, assign 0 to skip all version-dependent decisions.
        let mut cargo_version = cargo::minor_version(cmd!(cargo))
            .map_err(|e| warn!("unable to determine cargo version: {:#}", e))
        let stable_cargo_version = cargo::minor_version(cmd!("cargo", "+stable")).unwrap_or(0);

        let mut cmd;
        let json = if stable_cargo_version > cargo_version {
            cmd = cmd!(cargo, "metadata", "--format-version=1", "--no-deps");
            if let Some(manifest_path) = &args.manifest_path {
            let no_deps: Object = serde_json::from_str(&
                .with_context(|| format!("failed to parse output from {}", cmd))?;
            let lockfile =
            if !lockfile.exists() {
                let mut cmd = cmd!(cargo, "generate-lockfile");
                if let Some(manifest_path) = &args.manifest_path {
            let guard = term::verbose::scoped(false);
            let mut handle = restore.set(&fs::read_to_string(&lockfile)?, lockfile);

            // Try with stable cargo because if workspace member has
            // a dependency that requires newer cargo features, `cargo metadata`
            // with older cargo may fail.
            cmd = cmd!("cargo", "+stable", "metadata", "--format-version=1");
            if let Some(manifest_path) = &args.manifest_path {
            let json =;
            match json {
                Ok(json) => {
                    cargo_version = stable_cargo_version;
                Err(_e) => {
                    // If failed, try again with the version of cargo we will actually use.
                    cmd = cmd!(cargo, "metadata", "--format-version=1");
                    if let Some(manifest_path) = &args.manifest_path {
        } else {
            cmd = cmd!(cargo, "metadata", "--format-version=1");
            if let Some(manifest_path) = &args.manifest_path {

        let map = serde_json::from_str(&json)
            .with_context(|| format!("failed to parse output from {}", cmd))?;
        Self::from_obj(map, cargo_version)
            .map_err(|s| format_err!("failed to parse `{}` field from metadata", s))

    fn from_obj(mut map: Object, cargo_version: u32) -> ParseResult<Self> {
        let workspace_members: Vec<_> = map
            .map(|v| into_string(v).ok_or("workspace_members"))
            .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
        Ok(Self {
            packages: map
                .map(|v| Package::from_value(v, cargo_version))
                .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
            resolve: Resolve::from_obj(map.remove_object("resolve")?, cargo_version)?,
            workspace_root: map.remove_string("workspace_root")?,

/// The resolved dependency graph for the entire workspace.
pub(crate) struct Resolve {
    /// Nodes in a dependency graph.
    pub(crate) nodes: HashMap<PackageId, Node>,
    /// The crate for which the metadata was read.
    /// This is `None` if the metadata was read in a virtual workspace.
    pub(crate) root: Option<PackageId>,

impl Resolve {
    fn from_obj(mut map: Object, cargo_version: u32) -> ParseResult<Self> {
        Ok(Self {
            nodes: map
                .map(|v| Node::from_value(v, cargo_version))
                .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
            root: map.remove_nullable("root", into_string)?,

/// A node in a dependency graph.
pub(crate) struct Node {
    /// The dependencies of this package.
    /// This is always empty if running with a version of Cargo older than 1.30.
    pub(crate) deps: Vec<NodeDep>,

impl Node {
    fn from_value(mut value: Value, cargo_version: u32) -> ParseResult<(PackageId, Self)> {
        let map = value.as_object_mut().ok_or("nodes")?;

        let id = map.remove_string("id")?;
        Ok((id, Self {
            // This field was added in Rust 1.30.
            deps: if cargo_version >= 30 {
                    .map(|v| NodeDep::from_value(v, cargo_version))
                    .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?
            } else {

/// A dependency in a node.
pub(crate) struct NodeDep {
    /// The Package ID of the dependency.
    pub(crate) pkg: PackageId,
    /// The kinds of dependencies.
    /// This is always empty if running with a version of Cargo older than 1.41.
    pub(crate) dep_kinds: Vec<DepKindInfo>,

impl NodeDep {
    fn from_value(mut value: Value, cargo_version: u32) -> ParseResult<Self> {
        let map = value.as_object_mut().ok_or("deps")?;

        Ok(Self {
            pkg: map.remove_string("pkg")?,
            // This field was added in Rust 1.41.
            dep_kinds: if cargo_version >= 41 {
                    .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?
            } else {

/// Information about a dependency kind.
pub(crate) struct DepKindInfo {
    /// The kind of dependency.
    pub(crate) kind: Option<String>,
    /// The target platform for the dependency.
    /// This is `None` if it is not a target dependency.
    pub(crate) target: Option<String>,

impl DepKindInfo {
    fn from_value(mut value: Value) -> ParseResult<Self> {
        let map = value.as_object_mut().ok_or("dep_kinds")?;

        Ok(Self {
            kind: map.remove_nullable("kind", into_string)?,
            target: map.remove_nullable("target", into_string)?,

pub(crate) struct Package {
    /// The name of the package.
    pub(crate) name: String,
    // /// The version of the package.
    // pub(crate) version: String,
    /// List of dependencies of this particular package.
    pub(crate) dependencies: Vec<Dependency>,
    /// Features provided by the crate, mapped to the features required by that feature.
    pub(crate) features: BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>,
    /// Absolute path to this package's manifest.
    pub(crate) manifest_path: PathBuf,
    /// List of registries to which this package may be published.
    /// This is always `true` if running with a version of Cargo older than 1.39.
    pub(crate) publish: bool,
    /// The minimum supported Rust version of this package.
    /// This is always `None` if running with a version of Cargo older than 1.58.
    pub(crate) rust_version: Option<String>,

impl Package {
    fn from_value(mut value: Value, cargo_version: u32) -> ParseResult<(PackageId, Self)> {
        let map = value.as_object_mut().ok_or("packages")?;

        let id = map.remove_string("id")?;
        Ok((id, Self {
            name: map.remove_string("name")?,
            // version: map.remove_string("version")?,
            dependencies: map
                .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
            features: map
                .map(|(k, v)| {
                        .and_then(|v| v.into_iter().map(into_string).collect::<Option<_>>())
                        .map(|v| (k, v))
            manifest_path: map.remove_string("manifest_path")?,
            // This field was added in Rust 1.39.
            publish: if cargo_version >= 39 {
                // Publishing is unrestricted if null, and forbidden if an empty array.
                map.remove_nullable("publish", into_array)?.map_or(true, |a| !a.is_empty())
            } else {
            // This field was added in Rust 1.58.
            rust_version: if cargo_version >= 58 {
                map.remove_nullable("rust_version", into_string)?
            } else {

    pub(crate) fn optional_deps(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> + '_ {

/// A dependency of the main crate.
pub(crate) struct Dependency {
    /// The name of the dependency.
    pub(crate) name: String,
    // /// The version requirement for the dependency.
    // pub(crate) req: String,
    /// Whether or not this is an optional dependency.
    pub(crate) optional: bool,
    // TODO: support this
    // /// The target platform for the dependency.
    // /// This is `None` if it is not a target dependency.
    // pub(crate) target: Option<String>,
    /// If the dependency is renamed, this is the new name for the dependency
    /// as a string.
    /// This is `None` if it is not renamed.
    /// This is always `None` if running with a version of Cargo older than 1.26.
    pub(crate) rename: Option<String>,

impl Dependency {
    fn from_value(mut value: Value) -> ParseResult<Self> {
        let map = value.as_object_mut().ok_or("dependencies")?;

        Ok(Self {
            name: map.remove_string("name")?,
            // req: map.remove_string("req")?,
            optional: map.get("optional").and_then(Value::as_bool).ok_or("optional")?,
            // This field was added in Rust 1.26.
            rename: map.remove_nullable("rename", into_string)?,

    pub(crate) fn as_feature(&self) -> Option<&str> {
        if self.optional {
        } else {

fn allow_null<T>(value: Value, f: impl FnOnce(Value) -> Option<T>) -> Option<Option<T>> {
    if value.is_null() {
    } else {

fn into_string<S: From<String>>(value: Value) -> Option<S> {
    if let Value::String(string) = value {
    } else {

fn into_array(value: Value) -> Option<Vec<Value>> {
    if let Value::Array(array) = value {
    } else {

fn into_object(value: Value) -> Option<Object> {
    if let Value::Object(object) = value {
    } else {

trait ObjectExt {
    fn remove_string<S: From<String>>(&mut self, key: &'static str) -> ParseResult<S>;
    fn remove_array(&mut self, key: &'static str) -> ParseResult<Vec<Value>>;
    fn remove_object(&mut self, key: &'static str) -> ParseResult<Object>;
    fn remove_nullable<T>(
        &mut self,
        key: &'static str,
        f: impl FnOnce(Value) -> Option<T>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Option<T>>;

impl ObjectExt for Object {
    fn remove_string<S: From<String>>(&mut self, key: &'static str) -> ParseResult<S> {
    fn remove_array(&mut self, key: &'static str) -> ParseResult<Vec<Value>> {
    fn remove_object(&mut self, key: &'static str) -> ParseResult<Object> {
    fn remove_nullable<T>(
        &mut self,
        key: &'static str,
        f: impl FnOnce(Value) -> Option<T>,
    ) -> ParseResult<Option<T>> {
        self.remove(key).and_then(|v| allow_null(v, f)).ok_or(key)