cargo-gui 0.1.2

A browser interface for working through rustc errors and running cargo commands.
cargo-gui-0.1.2 is not a library.


A browser interface for working through rustc errors and running cargo commands.

Example Image



Install cargo-gui from

$ cargo install cargo-gui

[Development Mode]

If you want to contribute to the project, you'll want to install from the github repository instead:

git clone

Start the Server

Next, go to your cargo project directory and start the cargo-gui server:

$ cd path/to/my-cargo-project
$ cargo gui

Server is listening on:

[Development Mode]

If you want to contribute to the project, and have installed from the github repository, start the server like this instead:

$ cd path/to/my-cargo-project
$ cargo run --manifest-path /path/to/cargo-gui/Cargo.toml

Server is listening on:

Opening the Dashboard

Now open that link in your web browser: http://localhost:9345/

In the Dashboard

You can click the Run, Build, Test, Check buttons to invoke the corresponding cargo commands (i.e. Run invokes cargo run in your project directory).

NOTE: Currently, Run doesn't support streaming output from your executables! If you're trying to run a never-ending task (like a server), you will just never get a response back unless there's an error. This is because cargo-gui is waiting for your program to finish before showing you the output. See this github issue if you have suggestions on how to fix this!

If building, testing, or checking your program results in compilation errors, they will be displayed in a paginated format below. You can used the pagination navbar to see the Next, Previous, First and Last compilation errors. You can also use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to go to the next and previous errors.


Contributions are welcome! Please check out for instructions on how to get involved.