cargo-geiger 0.6.0

Detects usage of unsafe Rust in your project and its dependencies.
cargo-geiger ☢️ 

A program that list statistics related to usage of unsafe Rust code in a Rust
crate and all its dependencies.

This cargo plugin is based on the code from two other projects:
<> and


1. `cargo install cargo-geiger`
2. Navigate to the same directory as the Cargo.toml you want to analyze.
3. `cargo geiger`

Output example

![Example output](

Why even care about unsafe Rust usage?

When and why to use unsafe Rust is out of scope for this project, it is simply
a tool that provides information to aid auditing and hopefully to guide
dependency selection. It is however the opinion of the author of this project
that __libraries choosing to abstain from unsafe Rust usage when possible should
be promoted__.

This project is an attempt to create pressure against __unnecessary__ usage of
unsafe Rust in public Rust libraries.

Why the name?


Unsafe Rust and ionizing radiation have something in common, they are both
inevitable in some situations and both should preferably be safely contained!

Known issues

 - Unsafe code inside macros are not detected. Needs macro expansion(?).
 - Unsafe code generated by `` are probably not detected.
 - More on the github issue tracker.


 - ~~There should be no false negatives. All unsafe code should be
   identified.~~ This is probably too ambitious, but scanning for
   `#![forbid(unsafe_code)]` should be a reliable alternative (implemented since
   0.6.0). Please see the changelog.
 - An optional whitelist file at the root crate level to specify crates that are
   trusted to use unsafe (should only have an effect if placed in the root
 - Needs more refactoring.
 - All panics should be replaced with Result based errors handling.
 - Additional output formats.


### 0.6.0 (unreleased)
 - There are now three crate scanning result variants [#52]:
   - 🔒 No unsafe usage found and all build target entry point `.rs` source
     files, used by the build, declare `#![forbid(unsafe_code)]`. Crates like
     this will be printed in green.
   - ❓ No unsafe usage found, but at least one build target entry pount `.rs`
     file, used by the build, does not declare `#[forbid(unsafe_code)]`.  Crates
     like this will be printed in the default terminal forground color.
   - ☢️  Unsafe usage found. Crates like this will be printed in red, same as in
     the previous version.

### 0.5.0
 - Moved resusable parts, decoupled from `cargo`, to the new crate
   [geiger][geiger]. Main github issue: [#30].
 - Some general refactoring and cleanup.
 - Merge pull request [#46] from alexmaco/dependency_kind_control. add options
   to filter dependencies by kind; defaults to Kind::Normal.
 - Merge pull request [#40] from jiminhsieh/rust-2018. Use Rust 2018 edition.

### 0.4.2
 - __BUGFIX__: Merge pull request [#33] from ajpaverd/windows_filepaths.
   Canonicalize file paths from walker.

 - Merge pull request [#38] from anderejd/updated-deps. Updated deps and fixed
   build errors.

### 0.4.1
 - Merge pull request [#28] from alexmaco/deps_upgrade. fix build on rust 1.30:
   upgrade petgraph to 0.4.13

 - Merge pull request [#29] from alexmaco/invalid_utf8_source. fix handling
   source files with invalid utf8: lossy conversion to string

### 0.4.0
 - Filters out tests by default. Tests can still be included by using
   `--include-tests`. The test code is filted out by looking for the attribute
   `#[test]` on functions and `#[cfg(test)]` on modules.

### 0.3.1
 - Some bugfixes related to cargo workspace path handling.
 - Slightly better error messages in some cases.

### 0.3.0
 - Intercepts `rustc` calls and reads the `.d` files generated by `rustc` to
   identify which `.rs` files are used by the build. This allows a crate that
   contains `.rs` files with unsafe code usage to pass as "green" if the unsafe
   code isn't used by the build.
 - Each metric is now printed as `x/y`, where `x` is the unsafe code used by the
   build and `y` is the total unsafe usage found in the crate.
 - Removed the `--compact` output format to avoid some code complexity. A new
   and better compact mode can be added later if requested.

### 0.2.0
 - (alexmaco) Table based default output format. Old format still available by

### 0.1.x
 - Initial experimental versions.
 - Mostly updates.
