cargo-fuzz 0.12.0

A `cargo` subcommand for fuzzing with `libFuzzer`! Easy to use!
## Unreleased

Released YYYY-MM-DD.

### Added

* TODO (or remove section if none)

### Changed

* TODO (or remove section if none)

### Deprecated

* TODO (or remove section if none)

### Removed

* TODO (or remove section if none)

### Fixed

* TODO (or remove section if none)

### Security

* TODO (or remove section if none)


## 0.12.0

Released 2024-02-20.

### Removed

* Removed the definition of `cfg(fuzzing_repro)` from `cargo fuzz run` on select
  inputs. This caused too many recompiles in practice during the common fuzzing
  workflow where you are fuzzing, find a crash, repeatedly run the fuzzer on
  just the crashing input until you fix the crash, and then start fuzzing in
  general again and the process repeats.


## 0.11.4

Released 2024-01-25.

### Changed

* `cargo fuzz init` will not put the generated fuzzing crate in a separate
  workspace by default anymore. There is an option to generate a workspace if
  that is still the desired behavior: `--fuzzing-workspace=true`.

### Fixed

* Fixed `cargo fuzz init`'s generated dependencies in `Cargo.toml`.


## 0.11.3

Released 2024-01-02.

### Added

* Added a "careful mode" inspired by the `cargo-careful` project
* Added the ability to use a custom LLVM binaries install path instead of the
  default distributed by `rustup`

### Changed

* Improved code coverage collection by using the `-merge=1` option
* Reproducing crashes will now build with `---cfg fuzzing_repro`

### Fixed

* Initializing a fuzz directory in a workspace is fixed


## 0.11.2

Released 2023-02-13.

### Changed

* No longer rebuilds the fuzz target binary for each coverage run.


## 0.11.1

Released 2022-10-25.

### Fixed

* Fixed the suggested reproducer command outputted by `cargo fuzz tmin` to
  preserve any build flags (such as sanitizers) the same way that `cargo fuzz
  fun`'s suggested reproducer command will.


## 0.11.0

Released YYYY-MM-DD.

### Added

* Added the `--no-trace-compares` flag which opts out of the
  `-sanitizer-coverage-trace-compares` LLVM argument.

  Using this may improve fuzzer throughput at the cost of worse coverage accuracy.
  It also allows older CPUs lacking the `popcnt` instruction to use `cargo-fuzz`;
  the `*-trace-compares` instrumentation assumes that the instruction is


## 0.10.2

Released 2020-05-13.

### Added

* Added the `--fuzz-dir <dir>` flag to all subcommands, so that you can put your
  fuzzing files in a directory other than `my_crate/fuzz` if you
  want. [#262]


## 0.10.1

Released 2020-04-19.

### Added

* Added the `--strip-dead-code` to allow stripping dead code in the linker.

  By default, dead code is linked because LLVM's code coverage instrumentation
  assumes it is present in the coverage maps for some targets. Some code bases,
  however, require stripping dead code to avoid "undefined symbol" linker
  errors. This flag allows controlling whether dead code is stripped or not in
  your build. [#260]

### Fixed

* The `cargo fuzz coverage` subcommand now passes the raw coverage files to the
  `llvm-profdata` command as a whole directory, rather than as individual files,
  which avoids an issue where too many command-line arguments were provided in
  some scenarios. [#258]


## 0.10.0

Released 2021-03-10.

### Added

* Added the `cargo fuzz coverage` subcommand to generate coverage data for a
  fuzz target. Learn more in [the Coverage chapter of the Rust Fuzzing


## 0.9.2


## 0.9.1


## 0.9.0


## 0.8.0

Released 2020-06-25.

### Changed

* `cargo fuzz build` and `cargo fuzz run` default to building with optimizations
  *and* debug assertions by default now. This is the most common configuration
  for running fuzzers, so we've made it the default. To build without
  optimizations, use the `--dev` flag, which enables Cargo's development
  profile. To build without debug assertions, use the `--release` flag, which
  enables Cargo's release profile.

### Fixed

* Building with [memory
  sanitizer]( via the
  `--sanitizer=memory` flag works correctly now! Previously, we did not rebuild
  `std` with memory sanitizer enabled, and so programs compiled with memory
  sanitizer would immediately segfault in practice.


## 0.7.6

Released 2020-06-09.

### Changed

* Updated locked dependencies away from yanked versions.


## 0.7.5

Released 2020-06-09.

### Added

* Added a `-v`/`--verbose` flag for enabling verbose cargo builds. This was
  always implicitly enabled before, but now is optional.
* New fuzz targets are now configured not to be tested or documented when you
  run `cargo test --all` and `cargo doc --all` and the fuzz crate is a part of a
  workspace. Previously, this caused `cargo` to accidentally start running the

### Changed

* The `-sanitizer-coverage-trace-geps` and `-sanitizer-coverage-prune-blocks=0`
  flags are not passed to LLVM anymore, as they created a lot of overhead for
  fuzz targets, without actually guiding fuzzing much.


## 0.7.4

Released 2020-03-31.

### Added

* Added the `cargo fuzz fmt <target> <input>` subcommand. This prints the
  `std::fmt::Debug` output of the input. This is especially useful when the fuzz
  target takes an `Arbitrary` input type.


## 0.7.3

Released 2020-02-01.

### Changed

* [Force 1 CGU when release mode is enabled]


## 0.7.2

Released 2020-01-22.

### Changed

* New projects will be initialized with `libfuzzer-sys` version 0.3.0.


## 0.7.1

Released 2020-01-15.

### Changed

* Updated `Cargo.lock` file's self version for `cargo-fuzz`, so that building
  doesn't change the lock file.


## 0.7.0

Released 2020-01-15.

### Added

* `cargo fuzz` will show you the `Debug` output of failing inputs. This is
  particularly useful when you're using `Arbitrary` to create structured fuzz
  inputs. This requires that your fuzz target is using `libfuzzer-sys >= 0.2.0`
* `cargo fuzz` will now suggest common next tasks after finding a failing
  input. It gives you instructions on how to reproduce the failure, and how to
  run test case minimization.

### Changed

* New fuzz projects will use [`libfuzzer-sys` version
  from now, instead of a git dependency. This also pulls in
  [`arbitrary` version
  and all the new goodies it contains.


## 0.6.0


## 0.5.0


## 0.4.0


## 0.3.0


## 0.2.0


## 0.1.0