cargo-fund 0.1.0

Discover funding links for your project's dependencies.
cargo-fund-0.1.0 is not a library.


Discover funding links for your project's dependencies. CircleCI


To install cargo-fund, use cargo:

$ cargo install cargo-fund

Github API token

cargo-fund retrieves funding links for any dependencies with a Github URL in its [package.repository] field. To retrieve this information, you must provide a valid Github API token in the GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable or the --github-api-token command-line argument. To generate this token, go to and create a token with the public_repo and user scopes.


Run cargo fund in your workspace to print funding links. For example:

$ GITHUB_API_TOKEN=... cargo fund
/path/to/cargo-fund (found funding links for 16 out of 138 dependencies)
│ ├─
│ └─
│    └─ strsim 0.8.0
│    └─ remove_dir_all 0.5.2
│    ├─ anyhow 1.0.28
│    ├─ dtoa 0.4.5
│    ├─ itoa 0.4.5
│    ├─ proc-macro-hack 0.5.15
│    ├─ proc-macro-nested 0.1.4
│    ├─ quote 1.0.3
│    ├─ ryu 1.0.4
│    └─ syn 1.0.18
     ├─ httparse 1.3.4
     ├─ num_cpus 1.13.0
     ├─ reqwest 0.10.4
     ├─ try-lock 0.2.2
     ├─ unicase 2.6.0
     └─ want 0.3.0

Including your sponsorship info

cargo-fund uses the Github API to get the available funding links for crates. To ensure your crate's information appears:

  1. Make sure that the [package.repository] in your Cargo.toml contains a valid Github URL.
  2. Add your funding information to .github/FUNDING.yml in your repository.

Currently, Github is the only source of funding information, but please open an issue if you know of any other structured sources of funding information.