cargo-expand 0.3.17

Wrapper around rustc --pretty=expanded. Shows the result of macro expansion and #[derive] expansion.
cargo-expand-0.3.17 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: cargo-expand-1.0.38


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Once installed, the following command prints out the result of macro expansion and #[derive] expansion applied to the current crate.

$ cargo expand

This is a wrapper around the more verbose compiler command:

$ cargo rustc --profile=check -- -Zunstable-options --pretty=expanded


Install with cargo install cargo-expand.

This command optionally uses rustfmt to format the expanded output. The resulting code is typically much more readable than what you get from the compiler. If rustfmt is not available, the expanded code is not formatted. Install rustfmt with rustup component add rustfmt-preview.

This command optionally uses Pygments to colorize the expanded output. If Pygments is not available, the expanded code is not colorized. Install with pip install Pygments.

Cargo expand relies on unstable compiler flags so it requires a nightly toolchain to be installed, though does not require nightly to be the default toolchain or the one with which cargo expand itself is executed. If the default toolchain is one other than nightly, running cargo expand will find and use nightly anyway.


$ cat src/

struct S;

fn main() {
    println!("{:?}", S);

$ cargo expand

use std::prelude::v1::*;
extern crate std;
struct S;
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for S {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
        match *self {
            S => {
                let mut debug_trait_builder = f.debug_tuple("S");

fn main() {
        &["", "\n"],
        &match (&S,) {
            (arg0,) => [::std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new(arg0, ::std::fmt::Debug::fmt)],
        &[::std::fmt::rt::v1::Argument {
            position: ::std::fmt::rt::v1::Position::At(0usize),
            format: ::std::fmt::rt::v1::FormatSpec {
                fill: ' ',
                align: ::std::fmt::rt::v1::Alignment::Unknown,
                flags: 0u32,
                precision: ::std::fmt::rt::v1::Count::Implied,
                width: ::std::fmt::rt::v1::Count::Implied,


To expand a particular test target:

$ cargo expand --test test_something

To expand with rustfmt different from the one in $PATH:

$ RUSTFMT=/path/to/rustfmt cargo expand

To expand without rustfmt even though it is available in $PATH:

$ RUSTFMT= cargo expand

To color with pygmentize different from the one in $PATH:

$ PYGMENTIZE=/path/to/pygmentize cargo expand

To not color even though pygmentize is available in $PATH:

$ PYGMENTIZE= cargo expand


Be aware that macro expansion to text is a lossy process. This is a debugging aid only. There should be no expectation that the expanded code can be compiled successfully, nor that if it compiles then it behaves the same as the original code.

For instance the following function returns 3 when compiled ordinarily by Rust but the expanded code compiles and returns 4.

fn f() -> i32 {
    let x = 1;

    macro_rules! first_x {
        () => { x }

    let x = 2;

    x + first_x!()

Refer to The Book for more on the considerations around macro hygiene.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in cargo-expand by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.