cargo-equip 0.9.0

A Cargo subcommand to bundle your code into one `.rs` file for competitive programming.


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A Cargo subcommand to bundle your code into one .rs file for competitive programming.


Sqrt Mod - Library-Cheker

name = "solve"
version = "0.0.0"
edition = "2018"

ac-library-rs-parted             = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-convolution = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-dsu         = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-fenwicktree = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-lazysegtree = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-math        = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-maxflow     = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-mincostflow = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-modint      = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-scc         = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-segtree     = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-string      = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-twosat      = { git = "" }
input                            = { git = "" }
output                           = { git = "" }
tonelli_shanks                   = { git = "" }
# ...
// Uncomment this line if you don't use your libraries. (`--check` still works)
//#![cfg_attr(cargo_equip, cargo_equip::skip)]

extern crate input as _;

use acl_modint::ModInt;
use std::io::Write as _;
use tonelli_shanks::ModIntBaseExt as _;

fn main() {
    input! {
        yps: [(u32, u32)],

    output::buf_print(|out| {
        macro_rules! println(($($tt:tt)*) => (writeln!(out, $($tt)*).unwrap()));
        for (y, p) in yps {
            if let Some(sqrt) = ModInt::new(y).sqrt() {
                println!("{}", sqrt);
            } else {

❯ cargo equip --resolve-cfgs --remove docs --minify libs --rustfmt --check -o ./
     Running `/home/ryo/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/cargo check --message-format json -p -p 'ac-library-rs-parted:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-build:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-convolution:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-dsu:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-fenwicktree:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-internal-bit:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-internal-math:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-internal-queue:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-internal-scc:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-internal-type-traits:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-lazysegtree:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-math:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-maxflow:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-mincostflow:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-modint:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-scc:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-segtree:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-string:0.1.0' -p 'ac-library-rs-parted-twosat:0.1.0' -p 'anyhow:1.0.34' -p 'byteorder:1.3.4' -p 'num-traits:0.2.14' -p 'proc-macro2:1.0.10' -p 'ryu:1.0.5' -p 'serde:1.0.113' -p 'serde_derive:1.0.113' -p 'serde_json:1.0.59' -p 'syn:1.0.17' -p 'typenum:1.12.0'`
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
     Running `/home/ryo/.cargo/bin/rustup run nightly cargo udeps --output json -p solve --bin solve`
    Checking solve v0.0.0 (/home/ryo/src/local/play-cargo-equip/solve)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.58s
info: Loading save analysis from "/home/ryo/src/local/play-cargo-equip/solve/target/debug/deps/save-analysis/solve-f295f9b7bca492c1.json"
    Bundling the code
    Checking cargo-equip-check-output-gefn1vlt5c4e733x v0.1.0 (/tmp/cargo-equip-check-output-gefn1vlt5c4e733x)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.36s

Submit Info #30787 - Library-Checker


Install a nightly toolchain and cargo-udeps first.

❯ rustup update nightly
❯ cargo install --git # for est31/cargo-udeps#80

❯ cargo install cargo-equip


❯ cargo install --git

GitHub Releases



Follow these constrants when you writing libraries to bundle.

  1. Do not put items with the name names of #[macro_export]ed macros in each crate root.

    cargo-equip inserts pub use crate::{ these_names }; just below each mod lib_name. Use #[macro_use] to import macros in a bin.

    // in main source code
    extern crate input as _;

    extern crate items in bins are commented-out.

    // in main source code
    extern crate input as _;*/ // `use crate::$name;` is inserted if the rename is not `_`
  2. To make compatible with Rust 2015, do not resolve names of crates to bundle directly from extern prelude.

    Mount them in some module except the root one with a extern crate item and refer them with relative paths.

    cargo-equip replaces extern crate items with use crate::extern_crate_name_in_main_crate; except for crates available on AtCoder or CodinGame (e.g. itertools). Rename the libraries not to use directly.

     mod extern_crates {
    -    pub(super) extern crate __another_lib as another_lib;
    +    pub(super) use crate::another_lib;
     use self::extern_crates::another_lib::foo::Foo; // Prepend `self::` to make compatible with Rust 2015

    If you don't use website where Rust 2018 is unavailable (e.g. AIZU ONLINE JUDGE, yukicoder), you don't have to do this. mod __pseudo_extern_prelude like this is created in each library as a substitute for extern prelude. This mod __pseudo_extern_prelude itself is valid in Rust 2015 but unfortunately Rust 2015 cannot resolve the use another_lib::A;.

    +mod __pseudo_extern_prelude {
    +    pub(super) use crate::{another_lib1, another_lib2};
    +use self::__pseudo_extern_prelude::*;
     use another_lib1::A;
     use another_lib2::B;
  3. Use $crate instead of crate in macros.

    cargo-equip replaces $crate in macro_rules! with $crate::extern_crate_name_in_main_crate. crate identifiers in macro_rules! are not modified.

  4. Do not use absolute path as possible.

    cargo-equip replaces crate with crate::extern_crate_name_in_main_crate and pub(crate) with pub(in crate::extern_crate_name_in_main_crate).

    However I cannot ensure this works well. Use self:: and super:: instead of crate::.

    -use crate::foo::Foo;
    +use super::foo::Foo;
  5. Split into small separate crates as possible.

    cargo-equip does not search "dependencies among items".

    On a website other except AtCoder, Split your library into small crates to fit in 64KiB.

    ├── input
    │   ├── Cargo.toml
    │   └── src
    │       └──
    ├── output
    │   ├── Cargo.toml
    │   └── src
    │       └──

When you finish preparing your library crates, add them to [dependencies] of the bin. If you generate packages automatically with a tool, add them to its template.

If you want to use rust-lang-ja/ac-library-rs, use qryxip/ac-library-rs-parted instead. ac-library-rs-parted is a collection of 17 crates that process the real ac-library-rs in a custom-build. The custom-build is written with syn 1.0.17 and proc-macro2 1.0.10 in order not to break lockfiles for AtCoder.

ac-library-rs-parted             = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-convolution = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-dsu         = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-fenwicktree = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-lazysegtree = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-math        = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-maxflow     = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-mincostflow = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-modint      = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-scc         = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-segtree     = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-string      = { git = "" }
ac-library-rs-parted-twosat      = { git = "" }

The constraints for bins are:

  1. Do not import macros with use. Use them with #[macro_use] or with qualified paths.
  2. If you create mods, inside them do not resolve names of crates to bundle directly from extern prelude.
// Uncomment this line if you don't use your libraries. (`--check` still works)
//#![cfg_attr(cargo_equip, cargo_equip::skip)]

extern crate input as _;

use std::io::Write as _;

fn main() {
    input! {
        n: usize,

    output::buf_print(|out| {
        macro_rules! println(($($tt:tt)*) => (writeln!(out, $($tt)*).unwrap()));
        for i in 1..=n {
            match i % 15 {
                0 => println!("Fizz Buzz"),
                3 | 6 | 9 | 12 => println!("Fizz"),
                5 | 10 => println!("Buzz"),
                _ => println!("{}", i),

Then execute cargo-equip.

❯ cargo equip --bin "$name"

cargo-equip outputs code like this. It gives tentative extern_crate_names like __package_name_0_1_0 to dependencies of the dependencies.

+//! # Bundled libraries
+//! ## `input` (private)
+//! ### `extern_crate_name`
+//! `input`
+//! ## `output` (private)
+//! ### `extern_crate_name`
+//! `output`

// Uncomment this line if you don't use your libraries. (`--check` still works)
//#![cfg_attr(cargo_equip, cargo_equip::skip)]

-extern crate input as _;
+extern crate input as _;*/

 use std::io::Write as _;

 fn main() {
     input! {
         n: usize,

     output::buf_print(|out| {
         macro_rules! println(($($tt:tt)*) => (writeln!(out, $($tt)*).unwrap()));
         for i in 1..=n {
             match i % 15 {
                 0 => println!("Fizz Buzz"),
                 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 => println!("Fizz"),
                 5 | 10 => println!("Buzz"),
                 _ => println!("{}", i),
+// The following code was expanded by `cargo-equip`.
+mod input {
+    // ...
+mod output {
+    // ...

cargo-equip does the following modification.

  • bin
    • If a #![cfg_attr(cargo_equip, cargo_equip::skip)] was found, skips the remaining modification, does cargo check if --check is specified, and outputs the source code as-is.
    • If any, expands mod $name;s recursively indenting them except those containing multi-line literals.
    • Replaces some of the extern crate items.
    • Prepends a doc comment.
    • Appends the expanded libraries.
  • libs
    • Expands mod $name; recursively.
    • Replaces some of the crate paths.
    • Replaces some of the extern crate items.
    • Modifies macro_rules!.
    • Inserts mod __pseudo_extern_prelude { .. } and use (self::|$(super::)*)__pseudo_extern_prelude::*;.
    • Removes #[cfg(..)] attributes or their targets if --resolve-cfg is specified.
    • Removes doc comments if --remove docs is specified.
    • Removes comments if --remove comments is specified.
  • Whole
    • Minifies the whole output f--minify all is specified.
    • Formats the output if --rustfmt is specified.



  1. Removes #[cfg(always_true_predicate)] (e.g. cfg(feature = "enabled-feature")).
  2. Removes items with #[cfg(always_false_preducate)] (e.g. cfg(test), cfg(feature = "disable-feature")).

Predicates are evaluated according to this rule.

pub mod a {
    pub struct A;

    mod tests {
        fn it_works() {
            assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);

pub mod a {
    pub struct A;

--remove <REMOVE>...


  • doc comments (//! .., /// .., /** .. */, #[doc = ".."]) with --remove docs.
  • comments (// .., /* .. */) with --remove comments.
pub mod a {
    //! A.

    /// A.
    pub struct A; // aaaaa

pub mod a {
    pub struct A;

--minify <MINIFY>


  • each expaned library with --minify lib.
  • the whole code with --minify all.

Not that the minification function is incomplete. Unnecessary spaces may be inserted.


Formats the output with Rustfmt.


Creates a temporary package that shares the current target directory and execute cargo check before outputting.

This flag works even if bundling was skipped by #![cfg_attr(cargo_equip, cargo_equip::skip)].

❯ cargo equip --check -o /dev/null
     Running `/home/ryo/.cargo/bin/rustup run nightly cargo udeps --output json -p solve --bin solve`
    Checking solve v0.0.0 (/home/ryo/src/local/a/solve)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.13s
info: Loading save analysis from "/home/ryo/src/local/a/solve/target/debug/deps/save-analysis/solve-4eea33c8603d6001.json"
    Bundling the code
    Checking cargo-equip-check-output-6j2i3j3tgtugeaqm v0.1.0 (/tmp/cargo-equip-check-output-6j2i3j3tgtugeaqm)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.11s


Dual-licensed under MIT or Apache-2.0.