cargo-emit 0.1.1

Talk to Cargo easily at build time.
//! <div align="center">
//!     <a href="">
//!         <img src=""
//!              alt="Cargo Emit Logo"
//!              width="300"
//!              height="300">
//!     </a>
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//!         <img src=""
//!              alt="Downloads">
//!     </a>
//!     <a href="">
//!         <img src=""
//!              alt="Build Status">
//!     </a>
//!     <img src="^1.37.0-blue.svg"
//!          alt="rustc ^1.37.0">
//!     <br><br>
//! </div>
//! Talk to Cargo easily at build time, brought to you by [Nikolai Vazquez].
//! This library provides:
//! - Convenience macros for communicating with Cargo during the [``]
//!   phrase. Cargo listens to certain [build script outputs] that dictate how
//!   it should behave.
//! - An accessible location for seeing what script build outputs are available
//!   to emit.
//! - Protection against typos that can be made when printing these formatted
//!   outputs directly yourself. Mistyping macro names will result in a compile
//!   failure.
//! # Usage
//! This crate is available [on][crate] and can be used by adding the
//! following to your project's [`Cargo.toml`]:
//! ```toml
//! [build-dependencies]
//! cargo-emit = "0.1"
//! ```
//! and something like this to your [``]:
//! ```
//! # let should_warn = true;
//! if should_warn {
//!     cargo_emit::warning!("(C-3PO voice) We're doomed");
//! }
//! ```
//! **Note:** This library is meant to be used with [Rust 2018 edition][2018],
//! so that `cargo_emit::` can be used to prefix macro calls.
//! # Compatibility
//! This crate is compatible with Rust 1.31+ in order to use the
//! `$crate::macro!` feature introduced in [Rust 2018][2018].
//! # Examples
//! Very thorough examples are provided in the docs for
//! [each individual macro](#macros).
//! # Donate
//! This project is made freely available (as in free beer), but unfortunately
//! not all beer is free! So, if you would like to buy me a beer (or coffee or
//! *more*), then consider supporting my work that's benefited your project
//! and thousands of others.
//! <a href="">
//!     <img src="" alt="Become a Patron!" height="35">
//! </a>
//! <a href="">
//!     <img src="" alt="Buy me a coffee" height="35">
//! </a>
//! [Nikolai Vazquez]:
//! [build script outputs]:
//! [2018]:
//! [crate]:
//! [`Cargo.toml`]:
//! [``]:

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]


mod rerun;
mod rustc;

/// Emits a `$key`/`$value` pair to Cargo based on [build script outputs].
/// This is equivalent to:
/// ```
/// println!("cargo:$key=$value");
/// ```
/// This is the base macro upon which the other macros are built.
/// # Examples
/// This can be used to emit arbitrary user-defined metadata.
/// ```
/// cargo_emit::pair!("root", "/path/to/root");
/// ```
/// The `$key` and `$value` parameters get concatenated into a single formatting
/// string. Formatting runtime values can be done by passing subsequent values.
/// ```
/// let name = "foo";
/// cargo_emit::pair!("{lib}dir", "/path/to/{lib}", lib = name);
/// ```
/// [build script outputs]:
macro_rules! pair {
    ($key:expr, $value:expr $(, $($args:tt)*)?) => {
        println!(concat!("cargo:", $key, "=", $value) $(, $($args)+)?)

/// Tells Cargo to print the formatted `warning` message.
/// This is equivalent to:
/// ```
/// println!("cargo:warning=$args");
/// ```
/// # Examples
/// Useful for showing when something expected (but not critical) has failed.
/// ```
/// match std::env::current_dir() {
///     Ok(dir) => // ...
///     # {},
///     Err(error) => cargo_emit::warning!(
///         "Something suspicious is happening: {}",
///         error,
///     ),
/// }
/// ```
/// Assuming you're building `my-crate`, you will see:
/// ```sh
/// $ cargo build
///    Compiling my-crate v0.1.0 (/path/to/my-crate)
/// warning: Something suspicious is happening: ...
/// ```
macro_rules! warning {
    ($($args:tt)+) => {
        $crate::pair!("warning", $($args)+)