cargo-docset 0.1.0

Generates a Zeal/Dash docset for your rust package.
cargo-docset-0.1.0 is not a library.

cargo-docset - Generate a Zeal/Dash docset for your Rust crate or workspace

cargo-docset is a tool enabling you to generate a Dash/Zeal compatible docset for your Rust packages and their dependencies.

How to use

Just run cargo docset in your crate's directory to generate the docset. It will be placed in the target/docset directory. There are a few options to select which package(s) will be documented, check the help message for details.

To install your shiny new docset, copy it to your Zeal/Dash docset directory (available in the preferences, on Zeal at least) and restart Zeal/Dash.

How it works

Currently, cargo-docset runs cargo to generate the documentation, and then recursively walks the generated directory. The contents of every file is inferred from the file path, and cargo-docset then fills a SQLite database with the gathered information. The details of docset generation are available here.

cargo-docset does not (yet, at least) try to parse the generated documentation in any way, and therefore is limited in the granularity of the index it can provide. In particular, the generated docset does not make use of the table of contents feature.

Also, because cargo-docset walks through the whole doc directory, it must clear it before attempting to generate the docset, in case there is some previously generated documentation that we don't want to pickup in the docset there. You should probably not be storing anything of value in that directory anyway, but keep it in mind.


Contributions are welcome, please report bugs you find and add your feature requests to the bug tracker. If you want to contribute code, please let us know on the related issue so that it can be assigned to you, or create one if it doesn't exist.