cargo-deadlinks 0.4.0

Cargo subcommand for checking your documentation for broken links
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cargo-deadlinks • License

Check your cargo doc documentation for broken links!

Useful if you just refactored the structure of your crate or want to ensure that your documentation is readable offline.


Install cargo-deadlinks via:

cargo install cargo-deadlinks


From your packages directory run:

# any broken links will show up in the output
cargo deadlinks
# if you also want to check http and https links
cargo deadlinks --check-http

By default cargo deadlinks will check only the offline (file://) links of your package.

If you want to check the documentation in another directory e.g. to check all your dependencies, you can provide the --dir argument:

cargo deadlinks --dir target/doc

For information about other arguments run cargo deadlinks --help.


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To get started you can take a look at our Github issues.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as below, without any additional terms or conditions.


Licensed under either of

at your option.