cargo-clearlydefined 0.1.3

A tool for checking dependencies with
cargo-clearlydefined-0.1.3 is not a library.

Cargo dependency checker for

This is small extension to cargo, to check your dependency tree against the database of

ClearlyDefined and our parent organization, the Open Source Initiative, are on a mission to help FOSS projects thrive by being, well, clearly defined.


cargo install cargo-clearlydefined


In the project you wan to check, execute the following command:

cargo clearlydefined

This will fetch dependencies metadata, and print out a report of the dependencies that have a score below 80.

Getting help

To get some command line help, run:

cargo clearlydefined --help

Which should print out:

cargo-clearlydefined 0.1.0

    cargo clearlydefined [OPTIONS]

    -i, --input <input>                    Override the location of the input file (`Cargo.lock`)
    -v, --verbose                          Verbose mode, repeat to increase verbosity
    -s, --score <score>                    The score requires to pass the test [default: 80]
    -a, --all                              Show all dependencies, failed or not
    -x, --exclude <exclude>...             List the dependencies to ignore when testing
    -o, --output-format <output-format>    Output format [default: text]  [possible values: Text, CSV, Markdown]
    -l, --link                             Add a link to clearly defined
    -q, --quiet                            Don't show any results
    -h, --help                             Prints help information
    -V, --version                          Prints version information

Setting the target score

You can set the target score:

cargo clearlydefined --score 50

It is also possible to lower the score to 0.

Showing all dependencies

By default, only the "failed" dependencies are shown. You can however get a report of all dependencies:

cargo clearlydefined --all

Ignoring & Excluding

You can exclude dependencies completly from processing:

cargo clearlydefined -x wasi

Or simply ignore it from the target score test:

cargo clearlydefined -n wasi

Output format

The default output format is "text", but you have some other options as well:


In order to get a comma separated output:

cargo clearlydefined -o csv

If you choose to show all dependencies, an additional column will be added, that contains the result of the test.

Example, failures only

Name,Version,Declared license,Score
hermit-abi,0.1.15,Apache-2.0 AND MIT,52
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu,0.4.0,MIT OR Apache-2.0,37
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu,0.4.0,MIT OR Apache-2.0,37

Example, all

Name,Version,Declared license,Score,Check
hermit-abi,0.1.15,Apache-2.0 AND MIT,52,-
itoa,0.4.6,Apache-2.0 AND MIT,87,+
libc,0.2.76,Apache-2.0 AND MIT,87,+
ryu,1.0.5,Apache-2.0 AND BSL-1.0,80,+
serde,1.0.115,Apache-2.0 AND MIT,87,+
serde_json,1.0.57,Apache-2.0 AND MIT,87,+
winapi,0.3.9,Apache-2.0 AND MIT,87,+
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu,0.4.0,MIT OR Apache-2.0,37,-
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu,0.4.0,MIT OR Apache-2.0,37,-


To get a nice markdown result, use:

cargo clearlydefined -o markdown

This will create a markdown table, including a badge, that shows the outcome of the test, if you choose to display all dependencies.

It is also possible to provide the argument --link, which will always add a link to in the score column.

Example, failures only

Using the --link option.

Name Version Declared license Score
hermit-abi 0.1.15 Apache-2.0 AND MIT 52
my-test 0.1.0 0
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 MIT OR Apache-2.0 37
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 MIT OR Apache-2.0 37

Example, all

Using the --link option.

Name Version Declared license Score
ansi_term 0.12.1 MIT 88
atty 0.2.14 MIT 88
colored_json 2.1.0 EPL-2.0 87
hermit-abi 0.1.15 Apache-2.0 AND MIT 52
itoa 0.4.6 Apache-2.0 AND MIT 87
libc 0.2.76 Apache-2.0 AND MIT 87
my-test 0.1.0 0
ryu 1.0.5 Apache-2.0 AND BSL-1.0 80
serde 1.0.115 Apache-2.0 AND MIT 87
serde_json 1.0.57 Apache-2.0 AND MIT 87
winapi 0.3.9 Apache-2.0 AND MIT 87
winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 MIT OR Apache-2.0 37
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0 MIT OR Apache-2.0 37


And of course, there is plain text as well. The default.

Example, failures only

| Name                         | Version | Declared license   | Score |
| hermit-abi                   | 0.1.15  | Apache-2.0 AND MIT | 52    |
| my-test                      | 0.1.0   |                    | 0     |
| winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu   | 0.4.0   | MIT OR Apache-2.0  | 37    |
| winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu | 0.4.0   | MIT OR Apache-2.0  | 37    |

Example, all

| Name                         | Version | Declared license       | Score |
| ansi_term                    | 0.12.1  | MIT                    | 88 ✅ |
| atty                         | 0.2.14  | MIT                    | 88 ✅ |
| colored_json                 | 2.1.0   | EPL-2.0                | 87 ✅ |
| hermit-abi                   | 0.1.15  | Apache-2.0 AND MIT     | 52 ❌ |
| itoa                         | 0.4.6   | Apache-2.0 AND MIT     | 87 ✅ |
| libc                         | 0.2.76  | Apache-2.0 AND MIT     | 87 ✅ |
| my-test                      | 0.1.0   |                        | 0 ❌  |
| ryu                          | 1.0.5   | Apache-2.0 AND BSL-1.0 | 80 ✅ |
| serde                        | 1.0.115 | Apache-2.0 AND MIT     | 87 ✅ |
| serde_json                   | 1.0.57  | Apache-2.0 AND MIT     | 87 ✅ |
| winapi                       | 0.3.9   | Apache-2.0 AND MIT     | 87 ✅ |
| winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu   | 0.4.0   | MIT OR Apache-2.0      | 37 ❌ |
| winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu | 0.4.0   | MIT OR Apache-2.0      | 37 ❌ |