cargo-check-external-types 0.1.6

Static analysis tool to detect external types exposed in a library's public API.
 * Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

use crate::here;
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use rustdoc_types::{Crate, FORMAT_VERSION};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::{Command, Output};

struct CrateFormatVersion {
    format_version: u32,

/// Runs the `cargo rustdoc` command required to produce Rustdoc's JSON output with a nightly compiler.
pub struct CargoRustDocJson {
    /// Name of the crate (as specified in the Cargo.toml file)
    crate_name: String,
    /// Path of the crate to examine
    crate_path: PathBuf,
    /// Expected `target/` directory where the output will be
    target_path: PathBuf,
    /// Features to enable
    features: Vec<String>,

impl CargoRustDocJson {
    pub fn new(
        crate_name: impl Into<String>,
        crate_path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
        target_path: impl Into<PathBuf>,
        features: Vec<String>,
    ) -> Self {
        CargoRustDocJson {
            crate_name: crate_name.into(),
            crate_path: crate_path.into(),
            target_path: target_path.into(),

    pub fn run(&self) -> Result<Crate> {
        let cargo = std::env::var("CARGO").unwrap_or_else(|_| "cargo".to_string());

        let mut command = Command::new(cargo);
        if !self.features.is_empty() {
        let output = command
            .context(here!("failed to run nightly rustdoc"))?;
        handle_failure("rustdoc", &output)?;

        let output_file_name = self
            .context(here!("failed to canonicalize {:?}", self.target_path))?
            .join(format!("doc/{}.json", self.crate_name.replace('-', "_")));

        let json = fs::read_to_string(output_file_name).context(here!())?;
        let format_version: CrateFormatVersion = serde_json::from_str(&json)
            .context("Failed to find `format_version` in rustdoc JSON output.")
        if format_version.format_version != FORMAT_VERSION {
                "The version of rustdoc being used produces JSON format version {0}, but \
                this tool requires format version {1}. This can happen if the locally \
                installed version of rustdoc doesn't match the rustdoc JSON types from \
                the `rustdoc-types` crate.\n\n\
                If this occurs with the latest Rust nightly and the latest version of this \
                tool, then this is a bug, and the tool needs to be upgraded to the latest \
                format version.\n\n\
                Otherwise, you'll need to determine a Rust nightly version that matches \
                this tool's supported format version (or vice versa).",
        let package: Crate = serde_json::from_str(&json)
            .context("Failed to parse rustdoc output.")

pub fn handle_failure(operation_name: &str, output: &Output) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    if !output.status.success() {
        return Err(capture_error(operation_name, output));

pub fn capture_error(operation_name: &str, output: &Output) -> anyhow::Error {
    let message = format!(
        "Failed to {name}:\nStatus: {status}\nStdout: {stdout}\nStderr: {stderr}\n",
        name = operation_name,
        status = if let Some(code) = output.status.code() {
            format!("{}", code)
        } else {
            "Killed by signal".to_string()
        stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout),
        stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)