cargo-cacher 0.2.2

cargo-cacher is a proxy that will proxy requests made when building a package with Cargo
cargo-cacher-0.2.2 is not a library.


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cargo-cacher is a caching server in the same spirit as apt-cacher-ng. The goal is to allow recursive caching of the canonical index.


To configure your system to use a copy of cargo-cacher, you need to setup a .cargo/config file in your project, or in a containing folder. The contents of that folder should look like:


registry = "http://localhost:8080/index"

replace-with = "mirror"
registry = "https://doesnt-matter-but-must-be-present"

Once this is in place, your builds will go through the local proxy, and the crates will be pulled down to the local filesystem when they are first requested. The path can be a remote hosst as long as the path is to /index.


  • Add expiration on background thread
  • Add statistics
  • Remote git server