cargo-binstall 0.13.2

Rust binary package installer for CI integration

Cargo B(inary)Install

cargo binstall provides a low-complexity mechanism for installing rust binaries as an alternative to building from source (via cargo install) or manually downloading packages. This is intended to work with existing CI artifacts and infrastructure, and with minimal overhead for package maintainers.

binstall works by fetching the crate information from, then searching the linked repository for matching releases and artifacts, with fallbacks to quickinstall and finally cargo install if these are not found. To support binstall maintainers must add configuration values to Cargo.toml to allow the tool to locate the appropriate binary package for a given version and target. See for more detail.


Build GitHub tag

You probably want to see this page as it was when the latest version was published for accurate documentation.


To get started using cargo-binstall first install the binary (either via cargo install cargo-binstall or by downloading a pre-compiled release). We recommend using the pre-compiled ones because we optimize those more than a standard source build does.

linux x86_64
linux armv7
linux arm64
macos x86_64
macos m1
windows x86_64

To upgrade, use cargo binstall cargo-binstall!


Supported packages can be installed using cargo binstall NAME where NAME is the package name.

Package versions and targets may be specified using the --version and --target arguments respectively, and will be installed into $HOME/.cargo/bin by default. For additional options please see cargo binstall --help.

[garry] ➜  ~ cargo binstall radio-sx128x --version 0.14.1-alpha.5
21:14:15 [INFO] Resolving package: 'radio-sx128x'
21:14:18 [INFO] This will install the following binaries:
21:14:18 [INFO]   - sx128x-util (sx128x-util-x86_64-apple-darwin -> /Users/ryankurte/.cargo/bin/sx128x-util-v0.14.1-alpha.5)
21:14:18 [INFO] And create (or update) the following symlinks:
21:14:18 [INFO]   - sx128x-util (/Users/ryankurte/.cargo/bin/sx128x-util-v0.14.1-alpha.5 -> /Users/ryankurte/.cargo/bin/sx128x-util)
21:14:18 [INFO] Do you wish to continue? yes/[no]
? yes
21:14:20 [INFO] Installing binaries...
21:14:21 [INFO] Done in 6.212736s

Unsupported crates

To install an unsupported crate, you may specify the Cargo.toml metadata entries for pkg-url, bin-dir, and pkg-fmt at the command line, with values as documented below.

For example:

$ binstall \
  --pkg-url="{ repo }/releases/download/{ version }/{ name }-{ version }-{ target }.{ archive-format }" \
  --pkg-fmt="txz" crate_name

$ # fnm for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu only
$ cargo binstall fnm --pkg-url="{ version }/" \
  --pkg-fmt zip --bin-dir "{ bin }" --install-path /opt

$ # broot
$ cargo binstall broot --pkg-url="{ version }/broot_{ version }.zip" \
  --pkg-fmt zip --bin-dir "{ target }/{ bin }" --install-path /opt


  • Why use this?
    • Because wget-ing releases is frustrating, cargo install takes a not inconsequential portion of forever on constrained devices, and often putting together actual packages is overkill.
  • Why use the cargo manifest?
    • Crates already have these, and they already contain a significant portion of the required information. Also, there's this great and woefully underused (IMO) [package.metadata] field.
  • Is this secure?
    • Yes and also no? We're not (yet? #1) doing anything to verify the CI binaries are produced by the right person/organization. However, we're pulling data from and the cargo manifest, both of which are already trusted entities, and this is functionally a replacement for curl ... | bash or wget-ing the same files, so, things can be improved but it's also fairly moot
  • What do the error codes mean?
  • Can I use it in CI?
    • Yes! For GitHub Actions, we recommend the excellent taiki-e/install-action, which has explicit support for selected tools and uses cargo-binstall for everything else.

If you have ideas/contributions or anything is not working the way you expect (in which case, please include an output with --log-level debug) and feel free to open an issue or PR.