cargo-asm 0.1.2

A cargo subcommand to disassembly Rust functions.
cargo-asm-0.1.2 is not a library.


Work in Progress: you can try this, you can fill issues, but otherwise, this does not exist yet.

cargo-asm is a cargo sub-command that shows you the generated assembly of a Rust function. For example, if you have a crate called lib_crate, you can view the assembly of the function at bar::generic_add by just providing its whole path (need to qualify it with the crate name for now):

$ cargo asm lib_crate::bar::generic::add --rust

which outputs:


Quick start

To install it:

$ cargo install cargo-asm

Quick start: given a crate named crate, to search:

  • a function foo:

$ cargo asm crate::path::to::foo

  • an inherent method foo of a type Foo (that is, Foo::foo):

$ cargo asm crate::path::to::Foo::foo

  • an implementation of the trait method bar of the trait Bar for the type Foo:

$ cargo asm "<crate::path::to::Foo as crate::path::to::Bar>::bar"

Happy hacking.


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