cargo-apk 0.5.3

Helps cargo build APKs

cargo apk

Tool for creating Android packages.



cargo install cargo-apk

From source:

cargo install --path .


  • build: Compiles the current package
  • run: Run a binary or example of the local package
  • gdb: Start a gdb session attached to an adb device with symbols loaded


cargo supports the metadata table for configurations for external tools like cargo apk. Following configuration options are supported by cargo apk under []:

# Name of your APK as shown in the app drawer and in the app switcher
apk_label = "APK Name"

# The target Android API level.
target_sdk_version = 29
min_sdk_version = 26

# Virtual path your application's icon for any mipmap level.
# If not specified, an icon will not be included in the APK.
icon = "@mipmap/ic_launcher"

# If set to true, makes the app run in full-screen, by adding the following line
# as an XML attribute to the manifest's <application> tag :
#     android:theme="@android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.NoActionBar.Fullscreen
# Defaults to false.
fullscreen = false

# Set the minimum required OpenGL ES version.
# Defaults to [3, 1]
opengles_version = [3, 0]

# Sets the applications screenOrientation.
# See
# and look for `android:screenOrientation` for possible values
# Defaults to "unspecified" which makes the system pick an orientation and
# doesn't give you help with rotation.
orientation = "sensorLandscape"

# Adds a uses-feature element to the manifest
# Supported keys: name, required
# See
name = ""

name = "android.hardware.vulkan.level"
version = "1"

# Adds a uses-permission element to the manifest.
# Note that android_version 23 and higher, Android requires the application to request permissions at runtime.
# There is currently no way to do this using a pure NDK based application.
# See
name = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
max_sdk_version = 18

# Specifies the array of targets to build for.
build_targets = [ "armv7-linux-androideabi", "aarch64-linux-android", "i686-linux-android", "x86_64-linux-android" ]

# Path to your application's resources folder.
# If not specified, resources will not be included in the APK
res = "path/to/res_folder"

# Path to the folder containing your application's assets.
# If not specified, assets will not be included in the APK
assets = "path/to/assets_folder"

TODO: intent filters and application metadatas