cardparse 0.1.0

Fixed width text format parsing to structs
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# CardParse

Derive a trait that allows creating a struct from a fixed width text data source by specifying the location of data as field attributes in the struct

use cardparse::prelude::*;

static TLE_STRING: &str = r#"ISS (ZARYA)
1 25544U 98067A   08264.51782528 -.00002182  00000-0 -11606-4 0  2927
2 25544  51.6416 247.4627 0006703 130.5360 325.0288 15.72125391563537"#;

struct TwoLineElement {
    // If end is missing then read to end of line
    // but only as far as max - otherwise return
    // Err(cardparse::ParseError::SourceTooShort{..})
    name: String,
    line_number_one: String,
    satellite_catalog_number_one: String,
    classification: String,
    launch_year: String,
    launch_number: String,
    launch_piece: String,
    epoch_year: String,
    epoch_day: String,
    ballistic_coefficient: String,
    second_derivative_of_mean_motion: String,
    drag_term: String,
    ephemeris_type: String,
    element_set_number: String,
    check_sum: String,
    line_number_two: String,
    satellite_catalog_number_two: String,
    inclination: String,
    right_ascension_of_ascending_node: String,
    eccentricity: String,
    argument_of_perigee: String,
    mean_anomaly: String,
    mean_motion: String,
    revolution_number_at_epoch: String,
    checksum_two: String,

fn main() {
   let tle = TwoLineElement::cardparse(TLE_STRING).unwrap();
   assert_eq!(, "ISS (ZARYA)");