capter 1.0.0-alpha.22

Capter is a lightweight end-to-end testing tool for APIs.
name: capter
author: <>
about: Test your APIs.
  - test:
      about: run tests
        - debug:
            short: d
            long: debug
        - token:
            short: t
            long: token
            value_name: TOKEN
            help: pass a token with the webhook request
            takes_value: true
        - webhook:
            short: w
            long: webhook
            help: post the run to a url after completion
            value_name: URL
            takes_value: true
        - timeout:
            long: timeout
            help: how long to wait for a connection
            value_name: SECONDS
            takes_value: true
        - skip-git:
            long: skip-git
            help: don't pass any git information to the webhook
        - dry-run:
            long: dry-run
            help: skip posting the run to the webhook
        - INPUT:
            help: Glob pattern where to look for tests
            required: false
            default_value: '{.capter,capter}/**/*.yml'