capsule 0.1.5

A framework for network function development. Written in Rust, inspired by NetBricks and built on Intel's Data Plane Development Kit.

A framework for network function development. Written in Rust, inspired by NetBricks and built on Intel's Data Plane Development Kit.

The goal of Capsule is to offer an ergonomic framework for network function development that traditionally has high barriers of entry for developers. We've created a tool to efficiently manipulate network packets while being type-safe, memory-safe, and thread-safe. Building on DPDK and Rust, Capsule offers:

  • a fast packet processor that uses minimum number of CPU cycles.
  • a rich packet type system that guarantees memory-safety and thread-safety.
  • a declarative programming model that emphasizes simplicity.
  • an extensible and testable framework that is easy to develop and maintain.

Getting started

The easiest way to start developing Capsule applications is to use the Vagrant virtual machine and the Docker sandbox provided by the Capsule team. The sandbox is preconfigured with all the necessary tools and libraries for Capsule development, including:

For more information on getting started, please check out Capsule's README, as well as our sandbox repo for developer environments.

Adding Capsule as a Cargo dependency

capsule = "0.1"

Using features

To enable test/bench features for example, you can include Capsule in your Cargo dependencies with the testils feature flag:

capsule = { version = "0.1", features = ["testils"] }

Or, to enable the capturing of port traffic to pcap files automatically per-port, per-core, you can run a Capsule application with the pcap-dump feature flag turned on:

cargo run --features capsule/pcap-dump -- -f capsule-app.toml

Feature flags

  • default: Enables metrics by default.
  • metrics: Enables automatic metrics collection.
  • pcap-dump: Enables capturing port traffic to pcap files.
  • testils: Enables utilities for unit testing and benchmarking.
  • full: Enables all features.


  • kni: Kernel NIC interface example.
  • nat64: IPv6 to IPv4 NAT gateway example.
  • ping4d: Ping4 daemon example.
  • pktdump: Packet dump example.
  • signals: Linux signal handling example.
  • skeleton: Base skeleton example.
  • syn-flood: TCP SYN flood example.