capstone-sys 0.16.0

System bindings to the capstone disassembly library
# capstone-sys

Low-level, unsafe Rust bindings for the [`Capstone`][capstone] disassembly library.


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**[API Documentation](**

We recommend against using this crate directly.
Instead, consider using [capstone-rs](, which provides a high-level, "Rusty" interface.

## Requirements

* Rust version >= 1.50.0
* A toolchain capable of compiling Capstone
    - We build the bundled Capstone with the [`cc` crate]

[Rust unions]:

### Supported Platforms

| Platform                   | Supported |
| -------------------------- | -- |
| `x86_64-apple-darwin`      | X  |
| `i686-apple-darwin`        | X  |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc`   | X  |
| `x86_64-pc-windows-gnu`    | X  |
| `i686-pc-windows-msvc`     | X  |
| `i686-pc-windows-gnu`      | X  |
| `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` | X  |
| `i686-unknown-linux-gnu`   | X  |
| `x86_64-unknown-freebsd`   | X  |

## Features

You can specify the following [features]( in `Cargo.toml`:
* `use_bindgen`: instead of using the pre-generated Capstone bindings, dynamically generate bindings with [`bindgen`][bindgen].
