capnp 0.19.3

runtime library for Cap'n Proto data encoding

name = "capnp"
version = "0.19.3"
authors = [ "David Renshaw <>" ]
license = "MIT"
description = "runtime library for Cap'n Proto data encoding"
repository = ""
documentation = ""
edition = "2021"
rust-version.workspace = true

readme = ""

keywords = ["encoding", "protocol", "serialization"]

quickcheck = { version = "1", optional = true }

embedded-io = { version = "0.6.1", default-features = false, optional = true }

quickcheck = "1"

alloc = ["embedded-io?/alloc"]
default = ["std", "alloc"]

rpc_try = []

# If enabled, relaxes alignment requirements on segments.
# This has a performance cost on some targets (e.g. ARMv6).
unaligned = []

# If disabled, turns on no_std, which tells rustc to not link
# with the Rust standard library.
std = ["embedded-io?/std"]

# If enabled, ReadLimiter will use `AtomicUsize` instead of `Cell<usize>`, allowing
# message readers to be `Sync`. Note that AtomicUsize is not supported by all
# rustc targets.
sync_reader = []

#workspace = true

type_complexity = "allow"  # this should be removed in future
missing_safety_doc = "allow"  # this should be removed in future